Chapter Thirty-Four

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I felt like I needed to clean my ears out because I knew I heard that wrong. I looked over at the jury and I saw some of them smiling at me. I smiled back at them as tears cascaded down my face. Did it really just happen? Did I really just win?

“We also suggest that a restraining order be put on so that Ashley is left alone for the remainder of her life,” the woman continued as she folded the paper and put her hands behind her back, signaling that she was done speaking.

“This court is adjourned,” the judge said and slammed the hammer down. Aunt Maggie leapt to her feet and pulled me into a hug over the railing that separated us. Tears flowed down her face as she continued to hug me tighter. I heard my class cheer and Carrie ran over to me, crashing into me as my aunt released me.

“YOU WON!!” she screamed and I couldn’t find the voice to answer her. Carrie released me and Lance immediately replaced her.

“I told you I would fix this,” he whispered in my ear and I buried my face into his chest as I gripped his shirt tighter. Lance released me and I looked over at Mr. Haynes, who was smiling at me.

“Thank you,” I sobbed out as I hugged him and he returned it.

“I didn’t get to use my secret weapon, but I’m glad it was not needed. The evidence was plain enough,” he said as he released. “I know it wasn’t easy for you, but I’m glad you did.”

“I am too,” I said as I sniffed. I looked over at the jury as my class started to applaud and mouthed a thank you in the woman’s direction. She didn’t say anything nor smile at me, but she nodded her head. I looked over and froze at the sight that my family was still in the room. Eric and Erin stared angrily at me and my dad’s gaze was even more frightening. My mom walked over and immediately Aunt Maggie put me behind her.

“She won, Anne. Leave her alone,” Aunt Maggie warned.

“I’m complimenting her bravery, Margaret,” my mom hissed and I raised my eyebrows in shock. “Had it been the other way around, well, she knows what would happen.”

“I’m glad the jury did not condemn her to her death then,” Mr. Haynes said with a smile. “I thought the Reynolds were better than his. Wonder how fast this will hit the papers?”

I started to laugh and received a glare from my mom. I smiled at her, knowing she could no longer do a thing about it. The one thing she didn’t want to happen was happening anyway and it was making my day. She smiled mockingly at Mr. Haynes.

“You should be very happy of your accomplishment,” she sneered. “I shouldn’t be surprised that a Haynes would help a sad case such as this.”

“You consider your daughter a sad case?” Mr. Haynes asked as he raised his eyebrows. My mom looked over at me and I shivered underneath her glare.

“That is not my daughter,” she snarled. “That thing is a curse God gave me.”

“I appreciate being called a ‘thing’,” I muttered and her hand rose and I flinched back.

“That’s enough, Anne!” Aunt Maggie said slapping her hand away. “I don’t want you near Ashley ever again. I’m going to be putting a restraining order on your whole family. That means Eric and Erin have to abide by it.”

“Eric and Erin will do whatever they please,” my mom growled. “They are my precious angels. They get whatever they want and they will do whatever they want. Laws won't bind them.”

“Yeah, they basically have the same name,” I mumbled. “Thank God you decided to give me my own name.”

With another glare at me, my mom turned and stalked off, joining my dad and siblings. They rushed from the room and I smiled as they left. I was finally free, from everything. Well, not everything, I thought as I looked at my hand, thinking about the disease eating away at me from the inside. We left the courtroom and Aunt Maggie immediately took me back to the hospital for a checkup. Dr. Wright had beaten us back and he dismissed me from the hospital, saying I should take it easy. I was still stumbling around from not walking much but it didn’t seem to slow me down. Afterwards Aunt Maggie along with Jack went to a restaurant and Jack ordered my food for me.

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