16- experimentation

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Warnings: this story is rated M for its language, violence, and sexual relations between two men (Yaoi).  Please do not read if you are not into those things.  Please leave me your comments and reviews telling me what you think! I claim no rights or anything associated with the Bleach series and/or its characters.

Special Keys: "regular human speech", 'thinking to ones self', *mental telepathy*, (authors notes), bold - point of view, italic - spirit's speech

Sixteen - experimentation

Shiro P.O.V.

I awake to find myself strapped within a cylinder.  I knew where I was almost right away.  I could see Mayuri standing just outside of my cylinder.

“Ah your finally awake.  Welcome Shirosaki Ogichi to my humble lab.”  I thrashed wildly against my holding cell wanting out as I knew what Mayuri wanted of me.

“Let me out of this holding cell Mayuri Kurosutchi.  Kidnapping and holding a dectective is a criminal offense.” I snarled at him.

“Like I would give up a worthy specimen.  I know what you and your brother are Shirosaki.” stated Mayuri.  I just looked at Mayuri angrily.

“You are a mad man Mayuri.  I know what you are planning as you won’t get away with it!”

“Your powers astound me Shirosaki.  When did you learn what I was up to?”

“When I first shook your hand.  I saw everything you have done.  You won’t get away with this.  My friends and brother will come after you.”

“Honestly…….that is what I am hoping for Shirosaki.” Mayuri replied with an evil smile stretched across his face before I was knocked out.

Ulquiorra P.O.V.

I couldn’t still believe it.  Shiro was taken by Mayuri’s goon squad.  How on earth was I gonna explain this to Ichigo?  Kisuke was goona stay in town as he gave me his business card.  I walked into the police station to see that Ken and Nell had finally arrived as they missed everything that happened.

“Ulquiorra, I know that look.  Something bad happened.  Tell me what happened.” stated Nell.

“I know that I could never hide anything from you.  Very well I will tell you both everything but not here.  Meet me at Shiro’s place.” I told them both.  Ken and Nell didn’t argue as they knew that I had my reasons.

I arrived first at Shiro’s place as both Grimm and Ichigo were there to greet me.  Both neko’s seemed aware that something was wrong.  No matter how I tried not to let it get to me, I couldn’t help but to feel pissed off.  Grimmjow rubbed against my leg as an attempt to calm myself down.

“Hey you two.  Kenpachi and Nelliel are coming over.  There is something you need to hear along with them.  Trust me they know about you both.  Something terrible happened.” I told them both.  Ichigo let out a weak mew as no doubt he knew full well what had happened.  Tears began to streak down from his big chocolate eyes.  “I am sorry Ichigo.  But I will get him back trust me.” I gently told the orange cat as Grimmjow went to comfort his brother.

Grimmjow P.O.V.

Ichigo was very upset as it seemed that Mayuri now had his hands on Shiro.

*Don’t worry Ichigo.  Ulquiorra and Shiro’s friends will get him back.* I told Ichigo telepathically.  Ichigo wasn’t the only one who was taking it hard, Ulquiorra was as well.  I could tell that he felt guilty about letting Shiro get taken but we didn’t know the full story.  Both Shiro’s and Ulquiorra’s human partners from the police station had showed up as Ulquiorra showed them in.

“Hey Ulquiorra is that whom I think it is?” asked the woman with aqua green hair who was named Nell pointing at me.

“Yeah……it is.  That is Grimmjow.  Ichigo possibly is laying down on Shiro’s bed.  Shiro is the main reason to why I called you all here.” stated Ulquiorra.

“Ulquiorra what happened, explain where is Shirosaki.” stated the scared man who was named Kenpachi.

“Shiro and I are much like Grimm and Ichigo.  We are created weapons but unlike Grimm and Ichigo, both Shiro and I weren’t kept in a lab as our birth mother Masaki Kurosaki  placed us within orphanages in order to keep us from being turned into weapons to be used by the government.”

“How did you learn about this?” asked Nell as I wanted to know that too.

“The man who created both me and Shiro told us everything as we had no idea the full truth about what we truly are.  But a couple of minutes ago, Shiro was taken by both Coyote Stark and Gin Ichimaru to Mayuri’s lab as Mayuri wants us both for his experiments.  Now Shiro is in their hands as I need to get him the hell out of there.”  I couldn’t believe what I was hearing.  It was nearing nightfall as I went to Ulquiorra’s room to change into a set of clothes that he had given to me as they were altered for my tail.  It would be kind of rude to appear before everyone in the nude.  Before I came out to the living room, I went to check on my little brother Ichigo.

Normal P.O.V.

Ichigo was laying on Shirosaki’s bed crying his eyes out upset that his mate Shirosaki had been taken by Mayuri.

“Ichi are you all right?” Grimmjow asked in concern.

“Grimm……….do you think that Mayuri is doing the same exact thing he did to us when we were there?” asked Ichigo.

“Most likely yes.  Don’t worry Ulquiorra and the others will get him back.  Even if I have to have to go back there to do it.  I will help them get Shiro back for you it is the least that I can do.”  This seemed to cheer Ichigo up a little bit.

“Thanks Grimm.  I needed to hear that.  Just give me a while to get over this.” stated Ichigo while he was thinking over the many ways to rip Mayuri’s head off of his shoulders if he hurt Shiro in any way.

“All right Ichi.  We will come up with a plan to get Shiro back.” stated Grimmjow.  Ichigo just slowly nodded his head.

Meanwhile…….  Shirosaki was awakened as he let out a blood curdling scream as he was shocked by Mayuri.  Mayuri began his experimenting on Shirosaki.  Mayuri began his experimenting on Shirosaki.  Mayuri grinned wickedly as he was witnessing first hand what Shirosaki was capable off.  Mayuri grinned wickedly as he couldn’t wait to do more work on Shirosaki.

“I can’t wait to begin my work on you Shirosaki as you will be my greatest work as I will get what I want from you in order to complete my grand experiment.” stated Mayuri with an evil grin stretched across his face.

“You won’t get away with this!” screamed out Shirosaki in pain.

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