14- revulations

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Warnings: this story is rated M for its language, violence, and sexual relations between two men (Yaoi).  Please do not read if you are not into those things.  Please leave me your comments and reviews telling me what you think! I claim no rights or anything associated with the Bleach series and/or its characters.

Special Keys: "regular human speech", 'thinking to ones self', *mental telepathy*, (authors notes), bold - point of view, italic - spirit's speech

Fourteen - revelations

Shiro's POV

After I had carefully cleaned and tended to Grimmjow's wounds, Ulquiorra had told me that he spoke to his adoptive parents.

"They do want to meet you as they are a bit interested when I told them a bit about you. But I do have to warn you, they do know about a bit about my unusual powers and abilities. They said that they would look for my records." stated Ulquiorra.

"I look forward to meeting them. I hope that they can find the information that we are looking for. I am a bit worried about Grimmjow. His injuries are far worse than Ichigo's from when I had found him." I told Ulquiorra.

"What in the fucking hell did Mayuri do to him?" Ulquiorra growled angrily.

"Don't know….whatever he did wasn't good."

"Now onto more important business. Why did you…..?" Ulquiorra asked. I knew exactly what he was asking as a light blush crept across my face as I looked at Ichigo whom laid next to his brother.

"Well…the thing is that I have been rather attracted to Ichigo when I first saw him take on his human form. The feeling grew so much that when Ichigo was going through his heat, we kind of became mates as he has the same feelings form me as I do for him." I told him. Ulquiorra clearly understood my feelings as I have grown up not feeling loved or ever wanted. Most saw me as a monster because of the way that I looked. Ichigo possibly felt the same way considering that he was transformed in order to become a weapon.

"Well I am just glad that you finally have found somebody Shiro. Not that I don't care for you in my own unique way." stated Ulquiorra. I hugged Ulquiorra as having a loving family also mattered to me.

"I love you too Ulquiorra Schiffer as you have given me something else that I never had before, a family." Ulquiorra returned my hug as he knew that I clearly had it far rougher growing up then he did. I would have loved to actually have people care for me like his adoptive parents did. Both of us began to break down in tears hoping that one day all of this would make sense to us of why we were the way we were.

Ichigo's POV

I laid next to my brother taking care of him as he slept. I was so happy to have my brother finally with me. I was a bit worried about what Mayuri did to him. Both Zangetsu and I could sense that both Grimmjow's and Pantera's powers had been greatly changed. By nightfall, I had reverted to my human form as Grimmjow did the same. His eyes slowly opened as he whimpered lightly as his body was still badly wounded.

"Its all right Grimm. You are safe now." I stated as I slipped on the pair of pants that Shiro had altered for me. I helped Grimm to sit up as I needed to tend to his wounds as he desperately needed time to heal. His human body was far different than my own as it was far more muscular. His sky blue hair was styled in a short crew cut as it was spiked on top as his teal blue cat ears looked a little bit longer than my own as it sat through his mane of hair as his long tail matched the color of his ears. His sapphire blue slitted human eyes bore into my chocolate brown ones. My orange ears twitched slightly when I heard somebody enter the living room. I turned my head slightly to see a pair of glowing green and gold eyes.

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