1- Shiro

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Warnings: this story is rated M for its language, violence, and sexual relations between two men (Yaoi).  Please do not read if you are not into those things.  Please leave me your comments and reviews telling me what you think! I claim no rights or anything associated with the Bleach series and/or its characters.

Special Keys: "regular human speech", 'thinking to ones self', *mental telepathy*, (authors notes), bold - point of view

 One - Shiro

My name is Shirosaki Ogichi or just Shiro for short.  I may appear slightly different from everyone else as I am an albino.  Meaning that I am completely white from my head down to my toes.  But there are things about me that are stranger than most.  For one thing, it always seems that I am wearing black nail polish on my nails.  Well.......that is not the case, my nails have been that way ever since I was born.  Also there are my eyes as usually an albino's eyes are blood red but, not mine.  My cornea's are as black as ink as my pupils are a bright golden color.  I usually always wear a pair of dark sunglasses to keep people from starring.  It is bad enough that people stare at me because of my coloring.  Also when I bleed my blood is black instead of red and I cry tears of red blood.  There is something else that sets me apart from everyone else.  I have these special and unique powers.  For as long as I knew I have had these powers.  I don't really know why I have these powers as I can't really consult my parents about it because I was abandoned when I was a baby.

I grew up in an orphanage never getting close to anyone as I was often picked on because of my unusual appearance.  I kept my powers a secret from everyone for the fear of being labeled a freak and a monster.  Not that I wasn't called that by the other kids that I lived with at the orphanage.  So I taught myself how to use and control my powers that way I won't hurt anybody when I used them.  Growing up in the orphanage I felt unwanted and never loved.  I know that was never the case, I just never found a person whom was willing to except me for the way that I appeared.

When I turned eighteen years old, I left the orphanage setting out to best maximize my powers and abilities.  So I decided to become a police detective.  The training that I went through looks hard for most but for me.......it was like a walk in the park.  To everyone at the academy, it seemed strange as I was the first ever detective to get my badge at the age of nineteen.  But then again when I first entered the academy, I had to explain the reason for my unusual and unique appearance.  I claimed the reason for my eyes to be an unusual birth defect.  For the reason to why my blood was black, I couldn't explain.  My blood wasn't poisonous or anything like that as I could take normal red blood into my body but once in my body, it just changed black.  I was a bit surprised when I never became a human genie pig because of it.

When I was twenty years old, I was introduced to my partner whom I was going to be working with, a man named Kenpachi Zaraki or Ken as I called him for short.  Zaraki was a hard man to figure out as he had all of these strange scars covering his body as he wears an eye patch over his left eye (Zaraki will have his hair down for this story).  When I first met Kenpachi, there was something strange and different about him.  I didn't learn the truth about him until I shook his hand for the first time.  Yous see when I physically touch a person for the first time, I can mentally see everything that they have been through.  In my vision, I could see Kenpachi was always fighting someone as it didn't matter whom he fought.  Kenpachi grew up in a rough part of town were you had to fight to survive.  Kenpachi's skills and strength he had in fighting was nothing like I had ever seen before.  Growing up Kenpachi always ran with the wrong crowd as he joined various gangs and constantly was getting arrested.  It was a cop whom gave him a purpose to use his strength other than for fighting.  But I could still feel that Kenpachi was still looking for a reason to keep on fighting besides to live.  I withdrew my hand from Kenpachi as it felt like the room was spinning.  It was the first time that I have ever witnessed such a strong vision before.  I never told Kenpachi about what I had seen as I kept it to myself.

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