13- reunion

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Warnings: this story is rated M for its language, violence, and sexual relations between two men (Yaoi).  Please do not read if you are not into those things.  Please leave me your comments and reviews telling me what you think! I claim no rights or anything associated with the Bleach series and/or its characters.

Special Keys: "regular human speech", 'thinking to ones self', *mental telepathy*, (authors notes), bold - point of view, italic - spirit's speech

Thirteen - reunion

 Ulquiorra’s POV

After Shiro had left and I parted ways with Ken and Nell……I pulled out my cell phone calling up my foster parents Hiroshi and Kaori Schiffer (made up names since I know that Ulquiorra doesn’t have any parents in the series).  From what Shiro had managed to find out, neither one of is was given an official last name as the only true name we had was our first names.  We had determined that one of our parents had to be either an albino and/or had some kind of supernatural power.  We both didn’t have much to go on.  The phone rang three times before somebody picked up.

“Schiffer Residence……..” stated a woman’s voice that I instantly recognized.

“Hey mom……it’s me.” I stated.

“Ulqui…………how are things?” she asked.

“Mom………you know how much I hate it when you shorten my name.  But other wise fine.”

“Sorry Ulquiorra.”  I could hear another phone pick up.

“Hey son it’s odd to hear from you.  What’s up?” asked my father.  Sometimes I swear that the man is psychic.  I let out a long soft sigh before I spoke.

“I need to know that when you adopted me that you managed to get a copy of my birth certificate.” I told them.

“I believe so.  What is this about Ulquiorra?” asked my mom.  I told them about joining the police and meeting my older brother.  Both my adoptive parents knew about my unusual appearance and special abilities.

“Is he like you?” asked my father.

“Yes although he is more albino than I am as his eyes are a different color.  But his powers are a little bit stronger than mine.” I replied.  I could hear my parents shock on this.  “We are both trying to find our parents as we kind of have a lot of questions.” I told them.  “Not that I don’t appreciate everything that you both have done for me.”

“There’s no reason to explain son.  We would like to meet him and we will find those records for you.” stated my father.

“Thanks dad.” I replied before I gave him Shiro’s address telling them both that I was currently living with my big brother.

After I said my goodbye to my adoptive parents, I made my way back to Shiro’s place.  On my way back, I could sense a very familiar power.  It felt very similar to Ichigo’s but far stronger.  I followed my senses to the spot where I sensed the power coming from only to find a bruised and bloody teal cat.  The cat hissed at me as he thought that I was a threat.

“Take it easy Grimmjow……I am a friend to your brother Ichigo.” I stated softly before I bent down to pick up Grimmjow.  The teal neko just meowed as he looked like he had been through hell.  “It’s all right Grimmjow……..I will take care of you so just rest easy.  I have you.” I told him.  The teal neko slowly closed his eyes as soft purrs rumbled through his body.

Ichigo’s POV

I awoke to find the shower running as I felt well rested.  Finally my heat seemed under control and over with as I blushed remembering the very intimate and sexual experience that I had with Shiro.  I had claimed Shiro as my mate as he helped satisfy me in a way that I never thought possible.  I had returned back to my normal cat form as I let out a long yawn stretching out my body.  My ears twitched as I could hear the shower being turned off  before Shiro came out with a towel wrapped around his waist as he used another to dry his hair.

‘God he looks so hot!’ I moaned to myself as I could feel myself blushing as I turned my head to avoid looking at him.  Shiro ruffled my fur on my head roughly.

“Don’t go thinking any dirty thoughts Ichigo.  Not after what we had just did.” he stated sexily into my ears.  I looked at him almost in shock.

‘There’s no way……..that he could have heard me!’ I stated as Shiro proceeded to get dressed.  I clearly noticed the dark spot on his neck right at the hollow base where I had bit him.  The wound didn’t appear to look like someone had actually bit him but rather that he had a very intricate red tattoo there.  This caused me to raid my eyebrows in question.  *Zangetsu is that…..?* I questioned.  Zangetsu appeared in his spirit form looking at what I was talking about  before he nodded his head yes.  Zangetsu then vanished going back into my mind space.  *But why is it changing shape like that?  It looks like a tattoo.* I asked him as the mark took on the shape and form of a firey phoenix.  Most of its body laid on Shiro’s neck as its head, neck, and one wing laid on Shiro’s chest.  The other wing, feet, and tails laid on Shiro’s back.  The tattoo was beautiful just like Shiro as it almost looked alive.

*I don’t know what to tell you Ichigo.  I have never seen anything like it.  My guess is that it has to do with his powers.* replied Zangetsu.  Suddenly we heard the front door slam close in the front of the house.  Ulquiorra must be back.  But I was smelling the familiar scent that belonged to my brother.

“Shiro………I need your help!  Bring the medical kit!” yelled out Ulquiorra.

Both Shiro and I came out of Shiro’s room with kit in hand.  Laying within Ulquiorra’s arms was a bruised and battered teal cat.

*Grimm!* I yelled out.

“Oh my god.  Place him down gently.  Where in the world did you find him?” asked Shiro.  Ulquiorra placed Grimm down gently onto the counter as I jumped up nuzzling the other cat’s face.  “Ichigo please move…….I need to tend to his wounds.” stated Shiro.  I moved to one side whining softly as Ulquiorra petted my head.

“I found him in an alley.  I had sensed something similar to Ichigo’s power but it was stronger than his.  By the way what in the world is on your neck?”  Shiro touched were I had marked him as my mate.

“It changed to look like that after I had mated with Ichigo.” replied Shiro.

*Grimm please be all right!* I stated hoping that he would acknowledge me in some way.  I got my answer when I heard him whimper softly.

*………Ichigo…….* he replied weakly as he opened his light blue human looking eyes.  Shiro allowed me to nuzzle my brother gently after his wounds had been bound.  *….Ichi…..*

*It’s all right now Grimm.  You are home with family at last!* I told him as I began to cry.  I finally had my brother back.

Normal POV

While finally Ichigo and Grimmjow had been reunited at long last……..a cloaked figure roamed the night trying to find the two that he had lost.  He knew that both lived within Kurokura Town as it wasn’t hard to track down two albino’s with rather unique eyes.  After a very long and desperate search he finally would find Ulquiorra and Shirosaki.  He had learned that somebody had found his research notes and had a large financial backing in order to proceed with the experimentation on creating altered beings.

‘The only person I can think of who would try something like this is Mayuri Kurosutchi.  I have to warn both Shirosaki and Ulquiorra before Mayuri get to them.’ the cloaked figure thought to himself.  He had shut down his experiment and placed the two albino’s up for adoption when the birth mother of the two stated that she didn’t want them to be used as weapons and the two needed to live close enough to a normal life as possible.  The experiment performed on her in order to impregnate her had drastically altered the genetics of the kids.  Both Shirosaki and Ulquiorra were born as albinos with very unique looking colored eyes as they both had incredible powers within them both.  He hoped that the two twins were all right.  Yes……you heard me right.  Ulquiorra and Shirosaki were born twins only thing is that they don’t know about this fact.  “Please keep them safe Masaki.” he whispered in prayer silently into the night.

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