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A/N: The comments had a pretty conclusive answer, so there will be drama! Looking forward to playing will ALL of your emotions. A little story note to keep up with my explanation, any texting will be written like 'this' whereas speaking will be written like "this". As always, thank you for the ongoing support! Keep the comments coming, I'm trying to reply to every one that would make sense to get a response.

Mitch's POV

I decided that texting Avi was the most casual and simplistic way to reach him, so I did just that. Last time he simply said 'hey', so I thought I'd up the anti and add a few more 'y's.

M: 'Heyyy'
A: 'Hi Mitchie, what's up? How was your morning?'

There he goes with that nickname again. I like it, I find it cute.

M: 'It was fine, did a lot of thinking. Do you want to hang out again? I'm totally free today.'

Hopefully he responds to the straight forward approach. Although, he doesn't know I like him, does he? If he doesn't, he wouldn't care how I asked him to hang out. Maybe I should just assume that.

A: 'I'm actually free too...mostly. Esther wanted to drop by later for some sibling bonding, but for now I have plenty of time to kill. Care to kill it with me?'

M: 'You always kill it, Daddy.'

It took me a while to send that one, I wasn't sure how confident I could be at this stage. I also realized that I didn't really answer the question.

A: 'Can I kill it at your place in 15 minutes then?'

Look how smooth he is, he answered it for me.

M: 'Sounds perfect to me, see you in a bit 😊'

I put my phone down and considered setting up some sort of "trap" like he did, but couldn't really think of anything. Instead, I started thinking of how I'm going to ask him what the fuck yesterday was. He got really flirty out of nowhere, and it lasted way too long for our usual banter. Something is up.

A sturdy knock on my door rings through the empty living room. I happily spring to my feet to go answer it.

"Hey Daddy" I greet the sexy bass man.

"Hey Mitchie" he casually replies, sending shivers down my spine with his sensual tone.

"No kiss this time?" I tease, leaning my cheek forward in invitation.

"I don't see a mistletoe anywhere, so I'm afraid not" he replies with a smug look, and even though it was a joke, it felt like he slapped the cheek I presented to him.

When you're crushing, it's easy for things to crush you.

"We're going to your house next time" I wink at him, acting like it didn't phase me.

We walk over to the middle of the living room and share an awkward silence before realizing that we didn't really plan out our day. He's here, now what?

"Can we just not have awkward silences? Like, can we make them comfortable instead?" Avi asked in a sweet voice.

"I would like that. How about we just talk for a while? We could get used to silence in between subjects." I suggest.

"That sounds delightful, Mitchie. We don't get to talk outside of music, unless you count our housemates. This will be a good way to catch up."

"It certainly will, but first I want to ask you something..." I trail off, somewhat nervous. He nods his head, inviting me to continue. "What the fuck was yesterday about? That was clearly flirting, Kaplan. What gives?"

Tease? (Mavi)Where stories live. Discover now