Cupid's Cello

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A/N: Thanks for all the votes guys! I looked at a notification and saw that this had like 30 reads, and since it's my first story after my huge hiatus, that's kind of awesome. Still encourage comments, thanks LittleCarokind for leaving some. Hope you guys enjoy this chapter, it's pretty pivotal.

Avi's POV

Kevin and I rushed to the car to try to be on time for his rehearsal. Amongst the frantic mess that was this morning, we finally had a moment to relax in the car. Kevin immediately turned on his quiet classical playlist after exchanging a confirming glance with me. He was so anticipant of his upcoming rehearsal that he was tapping the fingering for the chords on the steering wheel. After realizing that he was getting too distracted, he snapped out of it and gave me a head nod, implying that he had something to say.

"Is it just me, or did Mitch seem a little flustered back there?" He questioned, and to be honest, I noticed it too.

"He did seem a little less... comfortable than he usually is around us. I wonder what's on his mind." I state innocently.

"If you ask me, I think he might have a thing for you" Kevin didn't realize the weight of what he was saying.

"He did stare at me a little longer than usual... but there's no way, wouldn't that have come up by now?"

"New crushes happen, Avi. I just noticed that he was acting similar to Alyssa when we were in the honeymoon phase. I didn't expect Mr. Single to pick up on it." Kevin teased, knowing that I'm way too picky to find a girlfriend.

"Oh shut up, I'm just selective. I'll find the one eventually" I defend myself, but Kevin was ready with his retort.

"Maybe it's Mitch" he said, wiggling his eyebrows at me in the rear view mirror.

"Dude, I'm straight."

"He definitely likes you though, maybe you should address it?" He suggested sensually, just teasing me for still being a bachelor.

"Or I could beat around the bush and tease him to see if he admits it..." I think out loud, almost regretting saying that in Kevin's presence.

"That's a little evil for my taste, but you've always been a daredevil" he giggles at the thought of calling me anything but really nice and genuine.

"I'm going to prove that he doesn't like me. I'll tease the fuck out of him, and he won't budge. I'm willing to bet, even" I boast.

"I'm willing to bet that he does like you, and he'll come forward about it before tour, providing you do tease him" Kevin replies without missing a beat.

"Deal" we both say in unison, and shake as we stop at a red light.

"What does the loser have to do?" I prod, trying to think of something to punish Kevin with when I win.

"If I win, you have to legitimately ask Mitch out and follow through with it." Kevin states, giving me the most smug look I've ever seen him wear.

"Woah, okay. I'm confident, so that's fine. If I win, you have to cook me dinner for a month" I tried to look as smug as Kevin did, but my features didn't hold up.

"I already cook like half of our dinners, that's definitely not that bad, so I'll take it."

"I know, I just couldn't think of anything else..." I trail off meekly. "It doesn't matter because he doesn't like me anyway" I conclude.

We get to our new house and Kevin drops me off, hurrying to prepare to go practice. He grabs all his stuff and I sit and watch as I point out where he left each and every sheet of music, extra string, and travel accessory for his cello. He turns to me before he heads out the door.

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