Unprovoked Jealousy

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A/N: Hey guys! I'm noticing that some of you are voting and adding this story to your reading lists already! Firstly, thank you! Secondly, I'd like to start writing little A/N's at the beginning of parts, and I encourage you guys to comment! I love interacting with readers, and I want to know what you think. That's all for now!

Mitch's POV

I stepped out of the bathroom and tried to fathom how I'm going to deal with touring with Avi. It's going to be great, don't get me wrong, but what if we're in an interview and he says something cute and I just melt? Or we're on stage and one of his solos hitches my breath? This could go horribly wrong.

I should be thinking about how it could go amazingly right though. Let's focus on that. Immediately after I began brainstorming all the wonderful things I could do with Avi over the next couple months, I'm rudely interrupted by Scott bursting through our front door. This will be the first test if I can keep my cool while the music in my head has the bass turned all the way up.

"Hey Jennifer" Scott bluntly states as he walks in my general direction. "You're finally awake I see".

"What are you talking about, Samantha?" I retorted in jest. "I got up at like, 9".

"I recall that, but you spent forever in the shower. I left 5 minutes ago to meet Kevin and Avi at Starbucks to give them a housewarming gift for their new place. You were still in there at 12:30." Fuck, I must've really had an out of body experience if I spent THAT long staring at myself. There's no way...

"Wait, it's been that long? And why didn't you tell me you were going? I would've went with you!" I'm already shook that he went to see Avi, this is not good.

"Nah, I'm fucking with you. It's 9:30 and I was just outside enjoying the sun on our porch. Y'know, like a morning person." I glare at him quite intensely, if I do say so myself. "I just wanted to see how you'd react, I still have to go meet up with meat and potatoes though, are you ready to go?" Scott asked, not knowing how desperately I wanted to see a certain someone right now.

"Yes GAWD let's get going, momma needs her coffee" I quipped, acting natural for my standards.

"There's the Mitch I know. Come on, I'm sure they're waiting. I said 9:30 and they actually show up on time to things."

We head to the car and Scott gives me a strange look as I express much more excitement than my typical self at this hour. Hopefully he thinks nothing of it, but just in case, I revert back to grouchy morning Mitch until we arrive.

Just as expected, Kevin and Avi were already seated in the lounge, bearing 4 cappuccinos for the 4 of us. How sweet of them. "Hey guys, glad you could make it! We got you some much needed caffeine, I'm sure. We certainly needed ours!" Kevin exclaims excitedly upon us sitting next to them.

"Yeah, I was so tired this morning" I whine, sipping my cappuccino happily. "Thank you guys so much!"

"No problem" Kevin returns immediately, but looks puzzled for a moment before speaking again. "You should be thanking Avi, actually. It was his idea to just buy the drinks for everyone so we could sit down."

"Awe, thanks Avi" Scott chimed in, giving Avi's shoulder a playful nudge. This instantly set off a slight jealousy in me, especially when Avi smiled back. I can't let my emotions peak so easily, but I also can't have Scott flirting with my man, y'know? Day one of realizing my crush and I'm already becoming bitter, great.

"It's nothing, really. I just wanted to sit down, standing and waiting was so awkward." Avi finally spoke, and his beautiful, deep morning voice vigorously casted his spell on me once again.

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