Chapter 5: First Impressions [ S & C ]

Start from the beginning

"Are you still in character, or was that a come on?! Why captain, I didn't know you felt this way!" I joked flirtatiously.

"Definitely not a come on," He said, trying to act tough, but I could see the grin that was beginning to form across his face.

"Well! After you," He motioned me forward and we walked towardsthe docks together. There was an awkward quietness most of the way there, and I guess he felt it too as he made an attempt to break the silence.

"So what was that fight today about?"

It was a very bold conversation starter that I almost didn't want to answer... it was none of his business, but I decided to answer it anyway because after all, what else were we going to talk about.

"Long story short, Reece had a fiancée, but apparently she cheated on him, and I continued bothering him about it until I guess he just snapped."

"Ahh, thats understandable."

"Really? You don't think he over reacted just a tad?"

"I've been there before, trust me, you should've just left him alone."

"If i knew he'd react like that then I probably would have... what do you mean you've 'been there before'? You'll have to excuse me for asking, but I'm not one of your fan girls who just happens to know every detail of your life."

"I was married once, I know how hard it can be to lose someone you love... They're hookers by the way, " He smirked.

I looked over at him to see that he was looking back at me. I had questions of course, but he put his trust in me by telling me that information, so I decided it was best to leave it be. Part of me felt like somewhere deep down, Colin was just going along with an act, and none of this meant anything to him. However, the other part felt like I could relate to him, and we could actually be good friends... I just didn't know how yet.

When we boarded the ship, he gave me a tour and basic rundown of where things were shot,  and the history behind it. Eventually growing tired, we ended up sitting in the captain's quarters and simply talking. Early into our conversation, he kinda lost the bad-boy Hook accent and It was nice to talk to actually be talking to Colin. I actually learned a lot about him and his early life, such as what part of Ireland he was from, the band he played in, and even small things like his favorite color.

"It's unreal how passionate you are about sports! A lot of girls I know just tend to stay away from that side of the fence, but you–"

"Well there you go! That's your problem, you're talking to girls! You need to find yourself some women Colin!

He laughed slightly under his breath and I couldn't help but smile at him.

"Hey, isn't it almost time to be back now?" I asked, looking down at my phone to check the time.

"Oh, yeah! You're right. We should get going..."

For some reason I immediately regretted even pointing out what time it was. I was having so much fun talking to Colin, I didn't want it to end.

"Any last questions?" I asked as I got up and walked over to the ladder that lead out onto the deck of the ship.

"Actually... yeah," he said reluctantly in a serious tone, looking down at the floor before making eye contact with me again, "you know why I'm single... why are you?"

Another very personal question which was none of his business, but I still decided to answer...

"You sure do like to pick the tough questions." I said, leaning against the ladder and preparing my story. I then began telling him about how I was in a similar situation to Reece, except I left my fiancé Louis because of his drug use, not because of another woman. Towards the end of the story, I got a little emotional and began to tear up. Refusing to let Colin O'Donoghue see me cry, I ended it with, "but it's no big deal," As I proceeded to swiftly climb the ladder to the top. Colin, following close behind, could tell I was a shaken up.

"Savannah wait..." he called out sympathetically. My footsteps got faster as I walked  toward the trailers.

"Not now, we have to get going now if we don't want to be late!" I said, raising my voice to make sure he could hear from behind me. "We're already down to one minute before lunch so—" That's when I felt someone grab my arm and pull me backwards. A tear fell from my eye as I turned to face him...

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have ever brought it up, I mean we barely know each other.... I dont know why I–" cutting himself off, I guess he could tell his words weren't making it any better, so he just looked into my eyes for a while until he composed new lines.

"I never meant to hurt you," he claimed as he wiped away a tear rolling down my cheek. Holding my face in his hands, he moved in closer, spoke softly to me, and continued, "Savannah... you deserve so much more than that Lucas guy would have ever been able to give you... I promise I would never leave you hurting like that and I'm sorry you had to go through such a thing... I truly am."

As he pulled me in for a hug, I could tell he was a little broken up about it himself. It didn't take long for me to stop crying because I knew I had to compose myself quickly unless I wanted the whole cast to see me like this.

"His name was Louis by the way," I said with a slight laugh, as I pulled back from him and looked into his eyes. He looked down and gave the sweetest smile as we began walking towards the trailers together.

 He looked down and gave the sweetest smile as we began walking towards the trailers together

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