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H A R R Y :

                       "Baby, please, go to sleep. You need some rest," I whisper, my voice dry and soar as it leaves my throat. Louis has been crying non stop these past two days and it's killing me to see him so hurt.

And what is even worse is the fact that he is blaming his mom's death on himself.

How could he possibly have anything to do with her passing?

"I was all she had... and she was all I had," his voice sounds dead and it's like a thousands knives to my chest. He stares blankly at the wall, eyes and cheeks swollen from crying, yet the tears never stop. It was almost as if he was so use to the feeling of the tears running down his face that he didn't even realise he was crying anymore.

"I'm here for you, Lou, I'm always here for you. You know that right?" I squeeze him tightly.

He looks so pale as he lay in my arms on his couch, a place we've basically been living in for the past forty eight hours or so. He just lays there with Princess cuddled to his chest. I bet she can tell something is wrong.

The house is cold and the atmosphere is dead, you could almost feel something tragic has happened within the walls of this place as soon as you step foot through the door.

Louis hasn't eaten since we got back from the hospital and every time I try to feed him or everything I give him, he barely swallows anything before he's blowing chunks. He says he's too nauseous to eat anything but now I'm starting to worry.

His hair is frazzled in all sorts of directions from the lack of it being brushed. And his clothes are stained in tears. So are mine.
My poor Lou has bags under his eyes from lack of sleep too; he hasn't slept yet and its scaring me.

This isn't healthy, for either of us.

And all I can do is feel stupid, useless. I feel like I can't do anything to help. Everything I've tried has failed.

. . .

L O U I S :

                    "You okay?" Is the first thing I hear when i get to the round coffee table in the back of the small coffee shop. Everyone looks at me, sympathetic looks on all their faces.

The word itself, sympathetic, practically says how I feel when I get suck looks.


I symply feel pathetic.

I force out a chuckle, "of course I am. So how was y'all's Christmas?"

"It was good," Liam jumps up dramatically, "I got an iPhone 4!" The sarcasm is so thick in his tone and I can't help but laugh when he gives the biggest, fakest smile ever. "But, my mom did finally buy me a new bed so..," he raises an eyebrow and we all burst out laughing.

"I got a cute bracelet from Jackson!" Niall squeaks excitedly, shoving his arm into my face where a pretty, silver bracelet is wrapped around his wrist. It has an engraving that reads My Baby Boy. That's honestly adorable. Ugh.

"And we finally... y'know, did it," he blushes. I squeal, clapping my hands together, actually feeling somewhat alive.

"Wait, I thought you guys already, did it?" Zayn chuckles.

"I was joking when I said we did the last time but now I'm serious. And the other night was... was just pure bliss. It was fucking amazing!" He nearly screams the end and it immediately attracts some attention from nearby customers. Liam hushes and Zayn chuckles.

Mr. Styles [ Larry Stylinson ]Where stories live. Discover now