(45) Recovery

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"Are you excited!? I can't wait; I am so excited!" I shout at Ethan as we grab our bags from the luggage belt.

"Yes, Chloe," Ethan chuckles. "For the millionth time I am excited."

After a hectic flight, we've finally made our way to London and I can hardly contain my excitement (obviously). Luckily, Mike has been more than accepting with me lately. After the whole baby incident, he told me to take as much time as I need and he would hold my job for me until I get back to New York. He is definitely not only my boss but a good friend.

Ethan and I notice a man holding a sign with our names on it and we greet him and he directs us to his car. We all pile in and he doesn't say much as he takes us to Evi's friend's flat. She said her friend is more than happy to let us stay there as long as we clean up after ourselves while she is gone. She is out studying culinary in France for the next month so Ethan and I get her flat all to ourselves. The next five days are going to be amazing and then two days after we get back it'll be time for Colton and Evi's wedding! Evi asked Veronica and I to be her bridesmaids and to my surprise she wanted me to be her maid of honor. I'm glad the two of us have become so close so quickly.

"Thank you, sir." Ethan hands the driver some euros and we grab our bags and make our way to the door. I grab the key Evi gave me out of my purse and shove it into the lock, twisting it and pushing the door open. 

Before I even get a chance to admire the room, Ethan is pushing me against the door. "How bout we break this place in, yeah?" He whispers in my ear, his lips brushing against my skin making me shiver.

"Ethan!" I giggle, putting my hands on his hips. "We just got here. Can we at least unpack first?"

"Sure babe, but I'll get you tonight." He smacks my butt and grabs our suitcases and goes upstairs. I follow behind him and go into the guest room. Evi told me her friend would keep her bedroom door closed and we weren't allowed in there but we could go anywhere else in the house.

"What're we going to do first?" I ask Ethan and he shrugs.

"Anything you want baby girl."

"Let's go see Big Ben and the London eye!" I exclaim, grabbing my purse and Ethan's hand, dragging him out the door. Luckily the flat is fairly close to everywhere we wanna see on this trip so we decide to walk instead of wasting money on a taxi.

As we walk along the sidewalk I admire the buildings and birds. London is such a beautiful place. It was everything I thought it would be, despite only seeing a little of it so far.

"Oh look, there it is!" I squeal, pulling out my phone and taking a picture. It's so crazy here; the streets are busy with people and the atmosphere is so nice. I never wanna leave. I take a picture of the London eye and a picture of Ethan and I in a phone booth which is now my lock screen because we look freaking cute and I'm actually happy for the first time in a long time. Ethan grabs my hand and drags me down the sidewalk and into a small restaurant.

"How many?" A pretty lady asks as we enter. "Two," Ethan says. The lady nods and we follow her as she takes us to our table. I open the menu and glance over it, not really sure about what to get.

"What're you getting?" I ask Ethan.

"I don't know. I thought about the shepherds pie."

"That sounds good. I'm going to get that," I sit the menu down and the waitress comes almost immediately.

"Can I interest you two in some champagne?"

"Sure, we'd love some." Ethan smiles at me and I nod. The waitress takes our orders and menus and Ethan grabs my hand across the table.

"You're beautiful," I roll my eyes but smile anyways, thanking him. I probably look terrible after our long flight.

In about ten minutes, the waitress brings our food and drinks. It looks amazing; I love potatoes. Ethan and I waste no time digging in. The champagne has a really sweet taste and it's really good and before I realize it I've had four glasses and Ethan has had two. I'm feeling a little tipsy but Ethan is still sober. We tip our waitress and Ethan puts his arm around me to keep me from stumbling down the street.

"I love you so much!" I scream at Ethan. He tries to silence me but I kiss him instead. He wastes no time pushing me against the wall of someone's home. I giggle as he places his hands on my hips.

"You happy that I kissed you?" Ethan laughs softly, brushing my hair behind my ear.

"Yeah," I giggle again. He rolls his eyes playfully and grabs my hand, making our way back home. He takes the key from my purse and as we get inside, he picks me up bridal style, causing me to giggle more. He makes his way up the stairs and into our room.

"Ethan!" I sing his name and he chuckles.

"I don't think champagne is a good drink for you, honey." He puts me on the bed and shuffles through my suitcase. He grabs my pajamas and lays them on the bed for me as I kick my feet back and forth since they're dangling from the bed being so high.

"What are you doinnnnng?" I giggle again.

"I'm gonna put you in your pajamas so we can get some sleep. Maybe jet lag won't be as bad if we hurry up and try to sleep." Ethan explains but I shake my head, grabbing the collar of his shirt and pulling him down to me. He uses his arms to hold himself up above me but I eagerly need to feel his skin against mine so I jerk the buttons of his shirt open and run my fingertips down his torso.

"Baby, are you sure? It's been a while since-" I cut him off by kissing him harshly and unbuttoning his pants. He jerks at the hem of my shirt and I break away for a moment to take off my shirt. Ethan's lips instantly trail from my lips to my neck and down to my chest, erupting my skin into flames. I don't know if it's the champagne or my deep love for Ethan that has me feeling this way but I don't ever wanna stop.

I slide the fabric of his shirt down his arms and sling it into the floor. He grabs the waist of my jeans and tugs them down my legs and immediately swoops down to kiss my inner thighs, driving me crazy. I dig my fingers into his hair as his teeth grip the material of my underwear and tugs them down my legs, making me giggle more.

He places a kiss underneath my naval and continues kissing lower and lower until his mouth is covering me, making me gasp in pleasure. I tangle my fingers through his hair and he groans, sending a vibration through my body.

He kisses back up my stomach and onto my lips before taking off his own pants and sliding on a condom. He gently shoves his member inside me, instantly making me wrap my thighs around his waist. I drag my nails down his back, making him moan. It's been so long since we've had sex that it feels so new and different but a good different. After going at it for over an hour, we finally finish. Ethan throws away the condom and I slide his tee shirt over my head and put a clean pair of underwear on. Ethan puts his boxers on and slides into bed next to me. I snuggle up close to him as he turns Netflix on and finally picks That 70's Show. Ethan rubs my back softly, making me fall asleep instantly.

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