(44) Sadness: PT. 2

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Ethan and I finish up our shower rather quickly. We didn't speak much after our sad realization. We got dressed and came downstairs to eat dinner with mom and dad. Everyone is trying to tip toe around me and it bothers me. It makes me feel uncomfortable and even more sad.

"You guys can stop acting so careful around me. I'm not going to break. I lost a baby. Okay? There. It's out in the open. My fucking body rejected something I could love." I say harshly while biting into my food.

"Chloe," David begins but my mom cuts him off.

"Honey. I know this is hard and we also know that you're not gonna break. If anything you are the strongest woman I know. It wasn't your fault the baby wasn't born. Stop blaming yourself. Complications with birth happens all the time, every day to everyone. Does that make this any better? No. But you have to come at peace with this. Not instantly but in time. You need to talk about this because we love you. If you keep it bottled up you will hurt a lot more worse than if you let your feelings out." My mother explains and I sigh, holding back tears.

"But the doctor said-"

"Fucking screw the doctor, Chloe!" My mother slams her fork down on the table. Her cussing and loud tone startles me but Ethan rests his hand on my thigh to soothe me. "That doctor doesn't know his butt from a hole in the ground! Doctors are wrong every single day! You know what? The doctor told my mom that I'd never make it to age five because of my metal disorder. But guess what, Chloe? I am almost forty years old! Has it been hard? So so hard! I have struggled time and time again but you, David, and Ethan have never given up on me. I know you and I haven't had the best of times and I regret all the horrible things I've said to you and Ethan in the past but I am better now and I am happy and in time you will be too. The whole point is, don't you dare believe that doctor. I know that you are stubborn and too head strong so I know you can choose not to listen to him. You get to believe what you want to happen and if you believe then it can happen, baby girl." By the time my mom finishes her little rant, I am full on bawling my eyes out.

"You're right. You're right." I keep saying over and over again. Ethan is crying along with me and mom starts tearing up as well. David excuses himself to the bathroom but I think it's because he doesn't wanna cry in front of us; he still wants to be strong.

Mom comes over and pulls a chair beside of me. We hug for a long time and Ethan wraps his arms around the both of us. We all sober up the tears and David returns from the bathroom.

"I will get over this and in time Ethan I will have a baby if it is the last thing I do." I speak loudly to reassure everyone but more importantly reassure myself.

"That's my girl," Ethan whispers in my ear and kisses my temple, making me smile a real smile.

"Thank you for everything you said, momma. I love you." She gives me a big hug and a kiss on the cheek.

"I love you too, honey." She returns to her seat beside David.

"We have cake for dessert. Red velvet, your guys' favorite." David says smiling at Ethan and I.

"Sounds perfect." I smile.

Mom was right. In time I will recover and I will be happy again. It still hurts thinking of all the "what ifs" and "could have beens" but I'm certain that everything happens for a reason. Maybe God needed my baby for a special reason in Heaven. Whatever the reason is, I just need to believe it was a good one. Nonetheless, I will have a baby one day and I will love them with every single inch of my being.

Ethan and I help mom clean up the table while David runs to the nearest gas station to grab some redbox movies for us to watch while we eat our cake.

I notice a very familiar car pull up in the driveway as I'm washing dishes. I finish drying the plates and hear a knock at the door. Before I could answer it, Ethan is already there. He swings the door open to reveal Evi and Colton.

"Hey guys! Thanks for coming!" He invited them here?

"No problem. Where's Chloe?" Evi asks as they come inside.

"Hey guys," I smile softly and they both envelope me in a hug.

"So I heard there was cake," Colton chuckles and I crack a smile. Leave it to Colton to be the only one to act normal during this situation. It makes me happy.

"Yeah, we're waiting on David to get back with some movies." Ethan explains. Evi hands me an envelope and smiles at me.

"It's not much but merry Christmas." I furrow my eyebrows but smile anyways, opening the envelope. My eyes get wide and my stomach drops.

"D-did you? Are these?" I can't seem to find the right words.

"Two plane tickets to London." Evi smiles at me and I start crying but don't worry, they're happy tears.

"You-you got these f-for me?" I speak through sniffles and she nods happily. I squeeze her in a tight hug.

"Ethan! We're going to London! We actually get to go to London! Oh my gosh! I am so! I can't even find the words!" I jump up and down and Ethan grabs my waist and pulls me close to him.

"I'm so glad you're happy, sweetheart." He kisses my forehead and David walks in the door with movies in hand.

"David! Me and Ethan are going to London" I shout as he enters the kitchen.

"Wow Chloe, that's great! I'm glad you're having something to look forward to!" He shouts back to me, equally excited. Mom walks in with a smile on her face.

"I know it's not Christmas until tomorrow but since you're all here, I've decided to go ahead and let you guys unwrap presents." David and mom hands out our gifts and we all take a seat at the table.

"Mrs. Taylor you didn't have to-" Evi starts to speak but mom interrupts her.

"Of course I did. You all deserve presents and happiness and I love you all."

"Thank you," we all say in unison as we tear into our wrapping paper.

"Oh my gosh!" Colton's exclaims. "You guys didn't have to do this. I-I don't know what to say." He pulls out two plane tickets.

"Where ya going, bud?" Ethan nudges Colton, a smirk plastered on his face.

"Hold on, there's a note. It says: David and I hope the very best for you and Evi. Please accept these plane tickets to the Bahamas for your honeymoon. Lots of love, the Taylor family."

"Oh wow. Thank you so much you guys. That means so much." Colton hugs David and mom.

"Evi, open your present." Mom requests and Evi smiles big tearing the remainder of her paper.

"Oh, wow! Oh my goodness!" Evi squeals as she reveals a white clutch with a blue pendent on it.

"I know your mom hasn't always been around for you. So I figured you'd need something borrowed and something blue for your wedding, well, here you go." My mom smiles at her and Evi starts crying.

"But what about when Chloe gets married? What will she have?" Evi sniffles.

"Don't worry. I discussed it with Chloe already. She agrees that since I used that in my first marriage it's okay that you can have it and when she gets married I will give her something from mine and David's wedding." Mom smiles at David and he smiles back. Evi hugs them both and I wait for Ethan to unwrap his present before I unwrap mine.

He digs into the wrapping paper and reveals two snapbacks and a pair of pajama bottoms. "Thanks guys," Ethan smiles.

I finally unwrap my present and reveal a brush set, paint, and two canvases. I've always wanted to begin painting, I've just never had the time. I'm going to make time for it now.

"Thank you guys. I love it." I smile at David and mom.

"Now, can we finally eat the cake?" Colton speaks up and we all laugh. Mom serves the cake and dad puts 21 jump street into the DVD player as we pile into the living room with our cake. Despite all the sadness and pain and hurt, I think we are on our way to recovery and we will all be better in time.

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