(40) Love

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"Good morning, pretty girl." My eyes flutter open to a beautiful sculpted jawline. I raise my head and Ethan's gorgeous eyes meet mine. Memories of last night flash through my mind and I smile, remembering the bliss and happiness and passion I felt with my one true love.

"Hi," I whisper, placing my lips on his collarbone and curling into his warm torso. His smooth skin caresses mine and I close my eyes, taking in the peace we've created. I soon feel a little pressure on my shoulder. I open an eye and notice Marie crawling up the comforter to get to me. She curls up between Ethan and I and soon her purrs break through the silence. I use my index finger to scratch the top of her head softly. Her eyes flutter shut and I giggle at her cuteness. I can feel Ethan's eyes on me and I look up at him.

"I could stare at you all day, every day." He kisses my forehead and I smile. Little does he know, I could do the same.

"Thank you for last night and thanks again for getting me Marie. I love her." I run my fingers through her fur and I can tell she's asleep.

"You're welcome. Anything for you, baby but I do have to say, if you start loving the cat more than me, we are going to have a problem," Ethan jokes and I chuckle. I love her a lot but I don't believe I could ever love anyone nor anything as much as I love Ethan.

"Impossible." I assure him.

"I guess we should get up and feed Marie and then go feed ourselves. You wore me out last night, I'm starving." Ethan smirks at me before rolling out of bed and looking all over the floor for his tee shirt.

"Are you looking for your shirt?" I ask him and he nods, running his fingers through his hair.

"Ethan, I'm wearing it, you goof." He laughs at himself and I go to take it off but he stops me.

"You wear it. Looks better on you anyhow." He pulls a shirt out of his suitcase and a pair of sweatpants and gets dressed. I leave Marie to sleep on the bed while I put on some pajama bottoms and place a little bowl of kitten food and water on the floor near the door.

Ethan takes my hand as we walk downstairs and we smell something burning. We enter the kitchen to see a giant mess created by Evi. She groans and throws the spatula in the floor. Flour and batter is scattered all over the island and some of it is on the floor and most of it is on Evi and in her hair. Ethan laughs at the sight and I jab him in the side, causing him to stop laughing. Evi notices our presence and her eyes get wide.

"God bless, did you try to cook?" Ethan jokes and I roll my eyes.

"Yes you dickwad! I tried to be nice because everyone else was asleep, or in Veronica and Kyle's case, having sex, and so I thought I'd make pancakes for breakfast but then I remembered I don't even know how to cook so then I decided how hard can it be right? I'll find a recipe online and follow it, right? Wrong! I thought pancakes were suppose to be easy! I've already burned five pancakes plus the batter is way too soupy!" Her voice gets louder by the end of her sentence and she's out of breath from her rant.

"I can help if you'd like," I offer with a sympathetic smile. She returns it and hands me an apron from the closet. I turn to Ethan and he raises an eyebrow.

"I think we need to do a restaurant role play one night," he winks at me and I smack his chest.

"Start cleaning this mess up so I can teach Evi to make pancakes." I scold him and surprisingly he obliges. I honestly thought he'd laugh and go watch a game on tv or something.

"Okay, first things first, we need to wash our hands." Evi and I wash our hands and I throw away the contents already in some of the bowls and wash them before using them again. I get the ingredients and place them on the counter.

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