(12) Sandy Beaches

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// Ethan's POV \\

"Yo, Ethan, man! The other night was sick! I got blowjobs from like three different girls!" Colton approaches me at the table I'm sitting at for lunch. I roll my eyes and bite into my sandwich. I'm not really in the mood for his whore stories. Chloe and I got into a fight the other night for the first time in a while and I have to admit it hurt. I know it was such a dick move to say what I said and I didn't mean it; I was just angry.

"Whatever happened to Evi?" I ask harshly, raising an eyebrow. A flash of unread emotion comes across his face and he shakes his head.

"She said it would be best if we stopped talking considering she was going to go study abroad in Europe." Colton shrugs, acting as if he doesn't care but I know he ended up liking her a lot. I actually miss her a lot too, now that I'm thinking of her, obviously not in the girlfriend way but in the friend way.

Girlfriend. Chloe. I miss Chloe.

"Are you okay man?" Colton breaks me from my thoughts.

"Erm," I pause for a moment wondering if I should trust or even consider telling Colton about my problems with Chloe. I decide against it. "I just didn't really sleep good last night." I lie.

"Oh, that sucks." A moment of silence falls between us and I cough awkwardly to break it.

"So, there's a party on the beach tomorrow. Wanna come?"

"I don't think it would be such a good idea. Your parties aren't exactly fun, Colton." I admit and he gasps dramatically.

"Aren't fun? What do you mean?" He puts a hand over his heart as if acting offended by my words.

"Yes, they are not fun because all you do is get drunk and make a fool of yourself." I tell him straight up and his face turns from joking to serious.

"You'd be getting drunk all the time too if your life was going to shit." He scoffs and rolls his eyes, grabbing his water bottle and taking a few sips while trying to avoid my eyes.

"What do you mean?" I ask, trying to sound concerned. I mean after all, I guess Colton really is my only friend. Unless I can consider Sydney and Veronica my friends? I'm not sure.

"My parents are getting a divorce." He sighs while shoving his fingers through the holes in the table.

"Oh, I'm sorry man." I place my hand on his shoulder, trying to be sympathetic. Divorce is never good for anyone. I hope that when I get married my wife will be the only wife I have forever.

"Don't be. I mean hey, I guess I should be happy for them. It's not like they have three other fucking younger kids they're going to put through hell." He speaks angrily. I didn't know Colton had that many siblings and I also didn't know he was the oldest. Come to think of it, there is a lot I don't know about him.

"I will go with you to the beach tomorrow night but only if you promise to stay sober enough for us to actually talk and shit," I say bluntly.

His eyes lighten up instantly and he nods quickly. "Yes, I promise. It'll be great, there will be a lot of hot babes in bikinis and really good sex." 

My mind instantly rolls to the thoughts of Chloe. I don't even remember the last time we had sex. I really miss her. I wish I hadn't been a dick. I'm just so afraid that her working in a bar will ruin our relationship. I feel like a really hot and better guy than me will walk in and swoop her off her feet and then I will lose her. I don't want to lose her. I can't lose her. I won't lose her.

"You should invite Chloe down," Colton breaks me out of my thoughts which coincidentally is about Chloe.

"Alright, I'll see if she can." I have a plan. I'll call Chloe and apologize and then I will invite her down and we will make up and everything will be okay. Perfect!

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