(25) Friendship

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"Good morning beautiful," Ethan kisses my forehead as my eyes flutter open.

"Hi," I giggle softly, burying my face in his chest. He wraps his arm around me and I feel the warmth from his body caress mine, making me feel at home.

"I think we should shower," Ethan murmurs quietly, almost in a whisper. My lips curl into a smile. I shake my head no, playfully, against his chest and I hear him chuckle.

"Mhm," I can feel him nod his head. I look up at him and see him smirk at me. I roll my eyes and throw back the blankets, making him smile wide. I look over to Colton's bed, noticing he's not in it.

"Where's Colton?" I ask while making my way to the bathroom.

"Probably hitting the gym," Ethan says, trudging toward the bathroom.

"Looks like you've been hitting the gym too!" His shoulders are broad and his waist is slim; his biceps are firmer even though he's not flexing. My mouth blurts out the words before my mind can catch up. His back muscles tense and then relax as he turns to face me.

"Yeah, I've been a few times." He winks at me and I can feel butterflies in my stomach.

He turns on the water and I pull my shirt over my head. His eyes burn against my skin as I reach for the hem of my silk panties. He takes a step toward me and grabs my hand.

"Here, let me help you." His eyes stare into mine as he hooks a finger underneath the material and slides it down my legs. He places a kiss underneath my naval, sending chills up my spine.

My mind is racing with words but my mouth won't say anything. I'm completely speechless. That was so gentle yet so intimate as well.

He removes his shorts and hops into the shower, pulling the curtain aside for me. How gentlemen like of him.

The steamy water splashes against my skin and I immediately get goosebumps. I step under the water completely, letting it soak my hair and run down my body. I can feel Ethan standing behind me. His large hand wraps around my hair and pulls it to my left shoulder. He places his lips against my right shoulder, making me gasp softly.

"You're so amazingly beautiful, Chloe." Ethan says, making my heart flutter.

"I love your body so much. You're so curvy and unbelievably sexy." He places another kiss on my skin, this time on my neck. I take a step back and my back bumps against his chest. I turn to face him and our eyes meet.

"You love my body?" I ask, flickering my eyes to the wall, sort of flustered.

"Of course. Every inch of it." He kisses my forehead.

"But I'm not really skinny, though." I mumble.

"Chloe, you're fucking gorgeous and you don't have to be tiny to be gorgeous. You're so curvy and guys, especially me, fucking love that. God, you have no idea how sexy it is. And your ass, oh my gosh, don't even get me started on your ass." Ethan's words make my cheeks flush red. I bite my lip nervously and he places his thumb and index finger on my chin, making me look at him.

"And then you do that lip bite thing that drives me fucking crazy." His eyes burn into mine and I gulp harshly, trying to find words to say but I'm completely speechless.

"Chloe, can I kiss you?" The fact that he asked, makes my heart begin beating even faster. I nod slowly and he leans down to me while maintaining eye contact. His lips finally meet mine and my stomach erupts in fireworks. I wrap my arms around his neck and tangle my fingers through his wet hair.

"I love you so much." Ethan says as we pull away. I'm about to speak when he presses his finger against my lips.

"And I want to show you how much I love you because you deserve the world, Chloe. I want to be the best boyfriend you've ever had. I want to make you so unbelievably happy and full of bliss. You're my everything, pretty girl." He kisses my forehead once more and I smile again. He always seems to find the right words to say.

"You being my boyfriend will certainly make everything you want for me, come true." I smile at him and he returns it.

"We should probably get some showering done; the water will get cold soon." Ethan says while putting some shampoo in his hands and rubbing them through my hair. I close my eyes as he continues. I rinse my hair as he shampoos his own hair. He then repeats with the conditioner.

I grab the wash cloth and he takes it from me. "Let me do it?" He asks. I nod slowly, watching him closely as he makes the cloth soapy. He starts at my shoulder and works his way over my collarbones to my other shoulder. He makes sure to go over my breasts and stomach slowly before getting down on his knees and washing my thighs.

What on earth is this boy doing to me? He's driving me insane.

"All clean." He smirks down at me as I begin rinsing off.

I put my hair in a towel and wrap the other towel around my body. As I step out of the shower, Ethan smacks my butt making me gasp as I turn around.

"You dick," I giggle.

"You liked it." He scoffs, jokingly.

"Maybe." I wink at him and go to my suitcase. I pick out my tribal patterned jumper and white vanz. I quickly put on my clothes and Ethan emerges from the bathroom with a towel wrapped around his waist.

"Aww, I missed you getting dressed." He pouts and I roll my eyes.

"You're such a child," I laugh and he frowns at me.

"Am not," he says in a small voice and I laugh again.

"Are too!" I argue back. He smiles at me and walks over to his dresser. I jerk the towel out of my hair and decide it'd be best to scrunch it. I spray some mousse in my hands and begin massaging it through my hair. I put in some hairspray and look in the mirror. Looks good.

I look over to Ethan and he's wearing a blue v neck that matches the color of my jumper and some khaki shorts. Ugh he looks so good. He could literally wear a potato sack and still look hot.

"Why are you staring?" Ethan asks, trying not to smile.

"Maybe 'cause you're beautiful." I shrug, pulling out my make up bag. I swipe some liner over my eyelids and some mascara on my eyelashes, completing my simple look.

The door swings open and I see a sweaty Colton enter the room. He nods at Ethan and flips his hand up in a wave to me. I smile at him as he makes his way toward the bathroom.

"Do you think he's okay?" I walk toward Ethan, making sure to whisper so Colton doesn't overhear.

"Yeah, he's just stressed. He's got a lot going on." Ethan says softly.

"Should I talk to him?"

"Nah, guys normally like to be left alone. Besides, Evi will be here tonight so I'm sure he will start getting back to his old self." Ethan reassures me and I smile at him.

"So, where are we going?" I change the subject and grab my bag and phone.

"Some place you'll like I'm sure," he smirks at me and I furrow my eyebrows. Where could he possibly be taking me?


If you guys are interested, I'm thinking of writing a horror/thriller novel and I would just like to know if any of you guys would read it? However, if you guys are worried about me updating the horror book more that will not be the case, Not So Secret is my first priority and then the horror book. Please please please give me feedback. Thank you all very much!

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