(18) Stupidity

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*Ethan's POV*

"Is Colton here?" I ask a tall brunette as she sips from a red cup. She looks at me with flirty eyes and smirks.

"Why look for Colton when you and I can have some fun, cutie?" She winks at me and I roll my eyes.

"Desperation. Not my type." I reply harshly, walking away from the far too easy girl. I shuffle through the people in Colton's frat house and make my way upstairs.

I find his room quickly and don't even bother knocking. I barge in and witness Colton banging the Evi look alike. He's pathetic.

"Ethan, what the fuck. If you wanted a threesome you could've just asked!" Colton snaps while getting off of the girl. She covers her body with the sheets and glares angrily at me.

"Threesomes aren't my style. Besides, why would I want a threesome with an Evi look alike?" I grit my teeth together. The girl looks at me and then back to Colton.

"Who's Evi?" Her obnoxious voice rings through my ears and I can't help but to bust out laughing.

"Wait, you mean she doesn't know who Evi is?" I laugh again, lowly. Colton narrows his eyes toward me and the girl gets out of bed, throwing her dress quickly over her head.

"Colton what the hell is going on?" She squeals angrily and I raise an eyebrow to Colton, who is still sitting in the bed. A sense of panic washes over his face and he sighs deeply.

"She's no one, Evelyn." Colton groans, glaring evilly at me.

"No one?" I let out a low laugh. "She's no one? Evi is no one! Are you fucking kidding me?!" My voice gets louder as Colton continues to glare at me. I ignore him completely and look at the girl, waiting for an explanation.

"Evi, is Colton's ex-girlfriend that he still has feelings for and you two look pretty similar which is why he was banging you in the first place. She went to study abroad and suggested they take a break and he didn't take it too well." I speak for Colton and his mouth opens slightly. I wait for whatever he's about to say but before he can say anything the girl walks over to him and smacks him across the face, making his head jerk to the side.

"Don't ever talk to me again." She grits through her teeth and he furrows his eyebrows at her as she slams his bedroom door shut.

"Are you fucking serious?" Colton yells at me. He shuffles under the blankets and quickly recovers his boxers and pants because he jumps out of bed, ready for a fight.

"Yes I'm fucking serious! You're so stupid!" I snap, making my way toward him.

"Oh yeah? How am I stupid? Please enlighten me because apparently you're not the only one to think so!" He shouts in my face, his hands balled into fists beside his sides.

"Evi has called and texted you a billion times and you're just fucking ignoring her so you can bang a girl who looks just like her? What is your deal!"

He is silent for a moment, glaring at me angrily. I don't back down and continue to glare at him with the same hatred that I possess for him as he does me at the moment. All of a sudden his features soften and he releases his fists. He sighs loudly and rubs the back of his neck, avoiding eye contact with me.

"Fuck," he sighs. "Fuck!" He yells loudly, taking large strides over to his bookshelf and throwing a potted plant into the floor making the clay material shatter into a million pieces. He takes photo frames and slings them against the wall and then begins punching it with his fists.

"Colton! Colton! Calm down!" I shout, trying to snap him out of his anger. His knuckles begin bleeding as he continuously strikes the wall, eventually leaving cracks in it. I hear him sniffling and he pulls away from the wall and sits on the bed, placing his head in his palms and sobbing loudly.

I didn't know he was this emotional. Something must've snapped inside of him. I take a seat beside him on the bed and pat his back a couple of times, trying to be caring but I'm still sort of pissed at him.

"Dude, what's wrong with you?" I try to ask kindly. He wipes his eyes, sniffling once more, before looking at me.

"I am such a fuck up. I can't do anything right. Everything I do is wrong." His voice cracks again and he continues to sniffle, trying to stop himself from crying.

"What do you mean?" I halfway agree with him but I think he is talking about something more than just Evi.

"My parents told me that their divorce is my fault because they don't have enough money to provide for me and to pay off my college and so it's causing stress and fighting and they've lost the love they once had and it's my fault," he speaks weakly and my hear honestly breaks for him. I didn't know about this. I wonder how long he's had this all bottled up.

I begin to speak but he cuts me off. "Not only is it my fault that my parents are divorcing but it's also my fault Evi isn't together with me. It's my fault she doesn't want me and it's my fault that I keep banging girls who I don't give a fuck about to just try and feel something but I feel absolutely nothing with all of the girls I've slept with since Evi left for Paris. None of them meant shit to me. I only feel real love when I'm with Evi, Ethan. I don't know what to do. I am such a fuck up." He begins to sniffle again but refuses to let the tears fall.

"Look, Colton, I'm not good at the whole 'helping' and 'giving advice' and 'handing out encouragement' stuff, that's normally in Chloe's department. But, I can guarantee that you are not a fuck up. You're just making mistakes, which isn't a problem. You're a human. Humans make mistakes. Mistakes is what make us learn throughout life. You're also under any circumstances, not responsible for your parents divorce. You're not part of their marriage. You did not cause anything to go wrong between them so go ahead and get that out of your head right now. Got it?" I speak sternly so my point comes across clearly and Colton nods slowly, maintaining eye contact with me.

"Secondly, you can fix your problems with Evi. It's simple. Just call her and tell you how you feel and she will understand. She really loves you Colton. I can promise you that. Besides, she's visiting soon. You should make things okay with her before she gets here." I try to sound encouraging but I feel like I'm not doing such a good job.

"Thank you, Ethan. I know you came here with full intentions on kicking my ass but I'm glad you didn't." He tries to make a joke and I force a laugh and he smiles at my attempt.

"No problem. You can talk to me about anything at any time." I lightly punch him in the shoulder and he does the same to me.

"Okay, I'm going to call her. Can you excuse me?" Colton says, picking up his phone and unlocking it. I nod slowly and exit his room. If only I could fix my own relationship as easy as a phone call. I think I really fucked up with Chloe this time..and to make matters worse, I miss her like crazy.

I tried to make this chapter a little longer. I hope you guys are liking the different POV's.

I hope to update soon. Hopefully by the end of this week on Sunday or sometime next week.

Feel free to comment and vote. Thanks for all the support as always!


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