(5) Happiness

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Veronica storms into the dorm and throws one of her picture frames at the wall. The glass shatters out of the frame and onto the floor. I finish tying my combat boots and rush over to her.

"Are you okay?" I ask cautiously. I don't know if she's still mad at me.

She whirls around to face me with his fists clinched by her sides. My eyes dart toward Ethan who looks panicked sitting on the small sofa in our dorm.

Suddenly, rapid tears start streaming down her cheeks and she wraps her arms around me quickly. I'm a little taken aback but wrap my arms around her as well.

"Veronica?" I ask softly. Ethan gives me a what-is-going-on glance and I just give him a confused look. Veronica pulls away from me and wipes the tears from her eyes, smearing her eyeliner across her cheeks.

"You were right, Chloe! He's a prick and he hurt me!" She begins to sob some more and I sit her down on the bed and sit down beside her, petting her hair slowly. Ethan excuses himself to the bathroom to give us some privacy.

"How'd he hurt you?" I ask softly, trying to get to the bottom of what happened.

"He-he-" she starts sobbing again and I try to soothe her. She sniffles and continues her story. "He texted me asking to meet him at his apartment and when I got there I wanted to be all cute and surprise him so I just rushed in his room all happy and shit and he was fucking some pink headed chick on the counter." I sigh and shake my head, knowing all along that he was no good.

"Did he say anything?" I ask.

"No he just smirked whenever I started to run out. It's like he planned the whole thing!" She wipes the make up from her cheeks and her breathing slows to a normal pace. Ethan comes out of the bathroom giving me an is-she-okay glance and I give him a quick nod.

"Hmm," my mind starts whirling with thoughts.

"What?" She arches an eyebrow.

"I was just thinking," I smirk while putting all the revenge pieces together in my head.

"What were you thinking?" She asks cautiously.

"I think we should give Kade a taste of his own medicine." I give a mischievous grin to Ethan and Veronica.

(one hour later)

"Are you sure this is a good idea, Chloe?" Veronica whispers to me as I pull plastic wrap from my backpack.

"No. I'm sure this is a great idea!" I begin wrapping his platinum colored hummer in plastic wrap, running around the vehicle and making sure not miss a single inch; not even the tires.

"Get the cat nip and cat liter," I whisper quickly to Ethan and Veronica who pull the items out of their own backpacks. Ethan starts spreading the cat liter all around Kade's hummer while Veronica sprinkles cat nip everywhere. I begin spray painting a cardboard sign and duct tape the results to his windshield.

"Hey! What are you doing to Griselda!" Kade comes running from his apartment.

"Who the fuck is Griselda?" Ethan chuckles while starting to make a run for it.

"He named his car that!" Veronica laughs as she unlocks the crate full of stray cats we um borrowed from the animal shelter.

"Go go go!" I yell at Ethan and Veronica. They start booking it down the street and I manage to snap a photo of our artwork before Kade grabs my arm. I jerk my arm away from his tight grip and accidentally punch him in the process. My feet are fast ahead in front of me as I try to catch up to Veronica and Ethan.

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