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Thank you guys for so much love and support you have given me and cannot be more grateful to you all 22k guys wow I'm so happy !!!!

Hope you guys enjoy the story till now.


Nandini POV

For past three day  Manik went on a search to the forest for some clues . The same place Aria said and located . Hopefully we find something so we can move from square one . I'm really worried about him he has been gone for three days .

Manik , thinking about our little movement ... okay not little but a heated make out we had I smile like a crazy women . I still can feel his lips on mine swollen lips . I feeling again like a school crush with Manik .

What are you doing Nandini you can't get attached to Manik what will happen when you have to leave him . He needs to move on on his life . He can't be  stuck with a ghost . Urgh this all is so messed up I need to avoid Manik and even avoid kissing him .

"Nandini Manik is here " I snapped out my thoughts and looked at Aria she looked tensed .

"Okay let's go and don't worry I'm sure Manik found something " I assured her and we went towards the room . We entered the room and saw Manik reading some file . I cleared my throats and Manik looked up and look here and there .

"Nandini come is Aria with you ?" I nodded and he sigh and continued " we found the waterfall  and many more things erm so when we went towards the waterfall we searched for the body in the lake down as it was easy way to hide the body for the killer but we found nothing then we searched near the waterfall and found Aria's body buried . The worst part is that we can't recognise your face properly it is er..erm smashed badly but thanks to Dr frankstin he is a forensic doctor he did some test of DNA and stuff and confirmed that it was your body . Later we found fingerprints and DNA  on your body we had suspected was Theo so we took him in and took all the test they came .... positive " he sigh and looked at me but I was looking at Aria who seem to be in her thoughts .

Aria POV ..

I remember everything now ....

Flashback ..

I was at home upset about mom being so workaholic and not thinking about her own daughter . She is grieving about my dad death I understood but what about me .

I was so fed up of her I took my car keys and left for a ride . I know I'll not be back till Friday cause I need time to think about what's happening in my life .

I went to mine and Seth place . It is a beautiful place with waterfalls and deep inside the forest . We found this place when I and Seth planned for camp our 1 year anniversary. Those days always makes me smile .

I went inside the forest and saw some people shouting and some grunts I don't know what was happening but as you all know curiosity killed the cat so did me .

I went head and heard a familiar voice but can't point out who was that sure was a guy . I got close enough to them so I could hear them .

"We need to kill this guy and then our work is done throw him in the lake so no one will ever find out what happened and please let's do it fast " I heard a unfamiliar voice .

"Yeah let's do this fast and we have a big order for that hot pieces are waiting for a long time" I know the voice but who !!
Come Aria think .... think .....

"But what" -aaachoo oh shit they know I'm here I need to get out of here before they kill me .

"Who was that dude there is someone other than us look around I'll take of this " I heard footsteps coming near me I start to run but I heard a gun shot a d I froze.

Before I could reach someone caught me and I gasp as I looked at his face . Seth ......

Ho-w w-why ??

"S-Seth what are you doing here ? " I asked him and gulp from nervously.

"A-Aria what are you doing here and how much did you hear " he hold my wrist tightly it hurt to see anger and a very different guy than I was in love with he is not Seth . He is someone else , a monster.

Then he and Theo talked away from me but tied my hands and legs . Ohh god they will not kill me I know Seth loves me but....

They seemed in serious conversation . Theo goes somewhere and Then Seth came towards me and made me stand and look towards me as if he wants to kill me with his evil eyes .

"Tsk tsk Aria you have been very naughty girl you need punishment and you get very hard one " his evil smirks scares me so much .

Seth beat the shit out of me after my cries and pleading he doesn't stop but he hits harder and my cries filled in the forest .

He was so anger that he hit me with a wooden stick on my head and that the last straw blood rushes from my head and my limping body struggles to fight but can't it stop and silence...

I'm dead .....

"This is what happened to me and Seth how could he do this to me " I say and cried .

"Don't worry Aria Theo confessed that he and Seth killed you and others also so their trail is going to start " I felt relief inside and and then it felt light I just closed my eyes and everything turns blurs and now blurs to darkness....


So sorry guys for the late update but this would be like this for a while as I have my classes and college .

I hope you all enjoy 😊

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