Chapter 29

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 So.. listen to the song on the right(: I needed some inspiration and Taylor does that for me so no hate! Thank you(:

It makes me sad to end this book so soon! Alright um.. last chapter before the finale which is two parts.

I think this chapter is kind of a cliffhanger but not one of my best.

I love you guys so much thanks for the support!!


This was going to end badly. I could feel it.

I was with the other girls, waiting at Perrie’s house for the boys to arrive. They didn’t even acknowledge the Kendall drama. Didn’t even bother to ask!

I was biting down on my nails.

When the doorbell rang I almost threw up. This was it. Confrontation.

All the boys excitedly filing in, hugging and kissing their girlfriends.

I looked around.

“Emily? What are you doing here?” Leeroy asked.

“What do you mean?” I gulped.

“Harry isn’t here.”

I took in a shaky breath.

“He said he had to go to your house to talk to you..?”

I stood up. I’ve got to get home. Without looking back, I slip off my shoes and run down the block.

Yeah, Perrie lives a block away from me. Who knew?

When I saw my house I saw a black range rover in the drive.

I stopped for a minute.

‘No matter what happens I love you.’ I thought before I walked into the drive.

I wanted to cry already thinking about what I had to say.

I was slowly turning the knob. Avoiding opening the door that’s exactly what I was trying to do.


I turned around.

It was him.


I gulped. He looked different. His 'Things I can't' tattoo was covered up with a bible. His 'I can't change' tattoo covered up with an anchor. His hair pushed back. He was different.

Looking at him made me get chest pains. Flashes of him and Kendall ran though my head.

My eyes watered up.

“Emily before you say anything let me explain.”

“About what?” My voice cracked even though I felt confident. “About Kendall? That- that skimpy Barbie doll?” I raised my voice.

“She’s not like that-” “Defending her? Wow.” I shook my head, turning it to wipe my tears.

“Emily it wasn’t what it seemed!”

“Then what was it? Huh?!” I yelled at him.

He looked down at his boots.

“Management. They’re making me date her.”

“You’re f*cking dating me!” I screamed.

“I know that. They wanted to make me the playboy of the group. I can’t stop what management wants.”

I fumed.

“Harry, do you think I’m an idiot? Leeroy is your management! And Leeroy would never do something like that to me! You would.” I spat.

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