Chapter 22

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So I'm not dead yet and hopefully it will stay that way at least until 7pm tomorrow because that's when 1DDay is over lol okay this has so much drama that it bothers me especially how it turned out so please tell me what you think!!

Still not happy with this chapter after rewriting it five times but you know what I can't change anything.

Much love!



"What the f*ck?" Niall said.

Liam and I sat up.

"Niall we-" Liam stopped his sentence when Harry stepped out of the hallway.

"What?" Harry asked Niall.

I was speechless.


Everything came back to what it felt like to have him here. Always together. Always goofying off and jacking around.

I can't believe he came to see me. And look where I am.

Even though we weren't together, I felt so bad.

Maybe he broke up with me but... ugh my mind is an emotional mess right now.

Why did it have to be Harry to come in?

I take it from his averting, nervous gaze that he didn't see anything.

I silently prayed Niall wouldn't say anything.

"Nothing. Just um... weird to see Liam beat us here." Niall shook his head.

Liam and I hopped off the bed.

"What are you guys doing here?" I asked.

"Could ask you the same question." Niall looked questionably at Liam.

"Uh... wanted to say hi." Liam nodded.

I can't believe Niall didn't rat us out.

Great. This made things a lot better. Note the sarcasm.

I looked at the curly haired boy in front of me that hadn't changed much.

"Wh- Why is he here?" I asked, rubbing my hand up my arm, trying to get rid of a bad case of the shivers.

"I made him." Niall said.

He looked like he was struggling to say anything to me.

Now I was full of guilt.

But the thing was I had nothing to be guilty for.

Liam was single. I was single.

We kissed... big deal.

I cringed noticing I was making my way through the band.

First Louis. Then Harry. Now Liam.

Not to even mention Drew!

Jesus Emily when did you turn into such a slut?

"You're not a slut." Three voices said at once.

I snapped my head up.

"Did I say that out loud? Oh. Oops." I bit my lip.

"Why would you think you're a slut?" Niall asked, a tad smirk on his lips. Stupid leprechaun.

"Um... never mind that. I was kind of... doing something so why are you here?" I asked, getting impatient with Niall.

"Oh you were doing something." He chuckled. Harry looked confused.

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