Chapter 5

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I pulled my hair into a side braid.

Black or white dress…? White.

I set the dress down and went downstairs to cook breakfast.

I decided on pancakes.

I snapped my head up as the doorbell rang.

I didn’t want them waking up dad.

I raced barefoot.

I looked confused when I opened the door to Harry.

Okay this guy has to stop showing up like this.

“Please help me.” he groaned.


He pointed down to Lux.

She had a puffy face.

“Her braids came out. Please fix them.” Harry begged.

I giggled.

“Why up so early?” I yawned.

It was six am.

I was only up because I wanted to eat something hot for breakfast.

“Her bus leaves in twenty minutes.”

I looked her over. She was totally ready with her bag and everything, besides the tears and braids.

“Come on.” I grabbed Lux.

“Stay.” I said as Harry tried to follow us.

I pulled Lux up to my room.

“Here. Clean up while I redo your hair.” I handed her a face wipe.

I quickly rebraided her hair.

“Five minutes left. I’m awesome. Come on let’s get Harry.” I pulled her.

We found the recliner, asleep.

His mouth agape, snoring.

He looked…adorable! I just wanted to take a picture.

Which I did.

Lux laughed as I took a picture.

This was so going under the blackmail column bitch.

“Why don’t I take you?” I held out my hand.

She nodded.

She lead me to her bus stop. Which was in front of her house.

“You will wake up Haz right? He gets crazy when he wakes up late.” Lux smiled.

“I promise.” I rubbed her shoulder.

Her bus pulled up.

“Thanks Emily!” She hugged my legs and ran to the bus.

I waved as the bus drove off.

I walked back to my house.

“Dad.” I said startled, jumping back slightly as I closed the door.

He was leaned over the recliner.

“Emily…who is this strange boy?” He looked down at Harry.

Dad was only in pajamas, cup of coffee in hand.

“Um, dad meet Harry.” I bit my lip.

“Well what’s he doing here?”

“He um, he’s our neighbor and I- I did his sister’s hair last night but then it came out so while I was about to make breakfast they showed up at our door so being nice I just redid her hair because, dad come on Harry can’t do hair. So while I was doing it, I guess he dozed off so I just took Lux to the bus stop which was only two houses down. Then I came back which leads us up till now.” I blabbered.

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