Chapter 19

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A knock at the door woke me up.

I glanced at the clock.

7:02 am.

Who is up this early?

I opened the door.

Seeing Harry there was a setback.

I couldn't break up with him.

I couldn't find it in me.

I think I should at least talk to him.

Yeah, let's go with that.

Forget old Emily. That was before I met Harry.

Before I fell in love with someone that knew when to say when and when to hug me.

He knew everything; I couldn't lose him.

"Where did you go?!" Harry exclaimed.

I shut the door behind me and stepped outside.

I didn't want Lux to hear, it'd wake her up.

"I left." I stated.

"I know that! I stayed with Liam to try and calm down! Why'd you leave?" He asked, stuffing his hands in his pockets.

"Look, Harry..." I looked down.

"I know where this goes." He interrupted.

"What?" I looked up.

"You're breaking up with me right?"

"Harry I-"

"Forget it. I don't wanna hear it. It's like all the others. You can't handle the broken kid right?" He asked.

"Harry it's not-"

"Save it Em. Can I just have Lux?" He tapped his foot.

"You're breaking up with me?" I said in shock.

"Hell if I beat you to the punch then yeah. I am." He nodded, almost un-phased.

I blinked away the tears as best I could.

"Okay." I said, not even recognizing my own voice by how quiet it was.

I went inside.

"Lux." I shook her slightly.

She stirred beneath me.

"Is my aunt here?" She asked.

"No. Harry is. I'll see you soon." I said, giving her a hug.

"See you soon." She agreed before climbing off the couch.

I tried not to cry as I watched Lux put her shoes on.

But I did.

The tears sprung to my eyes.

This was probably my last time seeing Lux.

I pulled out my phone.

"One last smile?" I said, trying to wipe away my tears.

Lux put her hands on her hips and smiled brightly.

I wish I could smile like that.

I clicked the picture.

"I'll miss you." I kneeled down to her and crushed her in yet another hug.

"I'll come back! Right Harry?" She tried to cheer me up.

A tear fell down my cheek.

"We'll see. In the mean time, here." I lifted off my butterfly necklace I was wearing.

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