Chapter 26

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Introducing Niall's new girl..!

Congradulations @MrsMalik2490 (Yes I also thought her name was ironic haha but she won)

Mrs.Malik2490 was notified of her part and how she came in so no offensive comments please(: THANK YOU GUYS SO MUCH!!


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“Could you be any more of a stalker?” Liam mentioned, coming up to me.

I pealed my eyes off the girl and looked at him.

“It’s not stalking. If it was I’d know her name.” I took a sip of my drink.

“Then go ask!” Liam shoved me.

I debated.

You weren’t supposed to really get on a personal level with girls at parties.

“No.” I shook my head.

I looked back at the girl.

Screw it.

I shoved the drink in Liam’s chest.

I walked over to her.

“Hi.” I smiled.

She looked away from her friends and looked straight at me with brown eyes.

“Hi.” She smiled slightly.

“May I take her from you ladies?” I asked her friends, grabbing the girl’s hand.

The girl looked a little wary but her friends pushed her along with me.

I pulled the girl up the stairs.

I dug around for the key to the room and unlocked the door. This was one of my mates house which is why I have a key.

I led her through, checking her out on the way in.

That perfect fitting purple dress complimented her fair skin and brown, straight hair. She was so tiny. Maybe 4'9. But I thought short girls were cute.

“I’m Niall.” I introduced, opening the balcony doors to show her the night sky.

“I’m Emily.” She smiled.

I almost groaned.

“What’s wrong?” She asked, probably noticing my lack of happiness.

“Nothing. Just one of my mate’s has a girlfriend named Emily and God she’s a pain in the ass sometimes.”

“Well I guess the nickname Em is out of the question?” She laughed, leaning against the rail.

“Nah. Last names might help though.” I shook my head.

“Gomez.” She nodded.

It’s just something I’ll have to deal with because this girl is hot.

“So… what is it you want with me Niall?” She smirked.

I shrugged and might as well come out with it.

I leaned in her ear and whispered words I’d defiantly never say in front of my mom if we can just leave it at that.

“Okay… But what about my friends? I don’t think that they’ll really approve of me just going home with some guy.” She bit her lip.

I frowned.

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