Chapter 1

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“Morning bud!” my dad greeted.

I groaned and pulled the covers over my head.

“Dad! One more day.” I groaned.

He pulled the blanket over my head.

“You always say that Emily. Get up.”

“But I don’t want to. All I’m going to do is eat my lunch alone like usual, make one friend, and move before I get the chance to make another.”

“Come on bud, you know I can’t help it.” dad sighed, sitting on the edge of my bed.

“Yeah. I know.” I stated, sitting up.

“Get ready.”

“Will you drive me today?” I asked.

“Sure bud.” He smiled and exited my room.

I groaned.

I hated new schools. I hated starting over. Nothing is ever different.

I walked over to my dresser and pulled out a gray tee shirt and jeans.

I absentmindedly pulled on the clothes.

I threw my hair up in a messy ponytail before going to the bathroom.

Once I was done I walked back into my room and grabbed my backpack, phone, and an extra shirt.

Last time I started a new school, I wasn’t looking and someone ran their lunch tray into me.

I shoved the extra shirt in my bag as I jogged down the stairs.

I tossed my bag on the floor and pulled out varies cereal boxes. I tried to keep my mind of the beginning of today but it kept haunting me. I could practically hear the second hand ticking on the clock.

Dad put the milk and orange juice on the table.

I grabbed the milk carton and took a big gulp.

“Come on bud.” Dad pulled me.

I took a bite of toast and grabbed my bag.

I hopped in the car and groaned, leaning back, propping my sneakers up on the dash.

“You’ll be fine Emily. I promise.”

“Yeah. You said that last time.” I rolled my eyes.

“Pal, you’ll be fine. Go to the main office when you go in.”

“Just so they can give me some straight A’s nerd that has no choice but to be nice to me? Pass.” I faked a smile

“You have to Em.”

“But I don’t want to!” I yelled. Dad parked the car in front of the school.

He looked at me.

“I hate you.” I groaned, getting out of the car.

“Pick you up at 3:30 pal.” He leaned over to yell out the window, before driving off.

I sighed as I took in the new school.

I walked up the stairs to the entrance.

I looked around.

Where was I?

The school was small but had a few people roaming the halls.

Two girls looked at me and started whispering.

“Let the day begin.” I mumbled, walking down the hall.

I walked down the hall, looking for any sort of sign.

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