Chapter 4

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Harry looked up at me in shock.

"No. We're fine." Harry shook his head.

Wait, did the creep just turn me down?

"Can we please Haz?! I like Emily!" Lux begged, clutching onto his pants.

"Yeah, Haz." I laughed.

He slightly smiled at me.

"Go ahead." Harry moved. Lux squealed and raced downstairs.

"Why'd you do that?" He asked.

Oh geez. Green eyes. Sweet lord.

"I did it for Lux." I slid my hands in my back pockets.

"Sure you did." He rolled his eyes.

"So?" I snapped.

"You threatened me with a restraining order earlier. Now you're wanting me to stay? I can't figure you out." He smiled.

"Don't. It was just for Lux like I said." I hissed.

"You know you go to hell for lying." He smirked at me.

Okay. Take it back. I want him out. I hate him.

"Why don't we go eat pizza?" I suggested, not so nicely.

"Why don't you tell me about this guy?" He crosses his arms and leaned against the wall.

I stiffened.

"What guy?"

"You know the guy," he tossed his curls. "The guy that you have a restraining order against. The same on I'm thinking that makes you unable to enjoy any sexual activity whatsoever." He shrugged.

My mouth went dry.

"I-I'm hungry." I said quickly, running downstairs.

I don't want to talk about him.

Never again.

I found Lux sitting at the table eating.

"So Emily..." Harry sat across from me.

Dear God.

Make it stop!

"Lux, don't you think Emily should join us for dinner sometime?" Harry smiled cheekily at me.

Awe he has dimples!

No. No Emily stand your ground!

"Yes! How about tomorrow?" Lux looked at me.

I smiled slightly.

I'd like to see one kid eat pizza and get it in their mouth.

They both stared at me with the same glowing green eyes.

"I don't bite." Harry smiled.

"Sure you don't." I rolled my eyes.

"He doesn't. Just tickles." Lux glared at Harry.

I laughed. That's cute.

No! Not cute! Nothing about Harry is cute.

"Come on Emily. Tell you what. You come over tomorrow for the English project and we'll have dinner too." He compromised.

I wanted to turn it down, but we did need to start our project.

"Fine." I grumbles, finishing off my pizza.

"Yay!" Lux jumped up.

"Okay calm down." Harry laughed at her, grabbing both of our plates to throw them away.

"Well we gotta go Lux" Harry pulled her by the hand.

"Awe." She nodded.

"Go get your coat sweetie." He rubbed her shoulder.

She nodded and exited the kitchen.

"Thanks for tonight." Harry leaned against the counter.

"No problem." I looked down.

Harry grabbed my hand and pulled me closer.

He sported a cheeky smile also biting his bottom lip.

I'll admit, it was a very hot look on him.

"Have a good night." He whispered, face inches from mine.

Oh geez.

"Night." I squeaked.

He chuckled and exited the house on his own.

I gulped.

This was not what I expected when I moved here.


I was dozing off on the couch watching reruns of the show 'Friends'.

"Damn it woman! Pull yourself together!" Phebe yelled at the breaking down blonde.

I laughed.

My phone dinged.

'Sweet dreams love. Xx' from Harry.

I smiled. I'd never gotten a goodnight text from a guy before.

I decided not to reply. But it was sweet.

I started to doze off again.

Then awoken by being shaken.

Who the hell is shaking me?!

"Bud!" Someone kept repeating.

I stirred.


I opened my eyes.

"Dad!" I jumped up and hugged him.

"Hey bud." He hugged me back.

"Are you okay? No wounds?" I searched his arms.

"I'm fine like always. What are you still doing up?"

"You woke me!" I exclaimed. He shrugged.

"I meant on the couch."

"Oh. Um, couldn't sleep." I shrugged.

"Well you need to. You have school tomorrow. I'll be down there to clear everything up as soon as I wake up." He nodded.


"How's school?" He asked as we walked upstairs.

"Different." I answered honestly.

It wasn't a lie.

"Good different or bad different?" Dad asked as I halted at my door.

I bit my lip.

"Exactly." I said before we went out separate ways.

I was so not ready for school.


Shorter than expected but its something right? Haha

So...big surprises coming up!


You guy'll love it I promise!

What do you think will happen at school? I bet no one can guess! :D



Fan if you want (:

Forever and Always!

-Shyanne xx.

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