"I'm sorry about Levi, he can be a jerk," I said as I played with her hand.

She laughed.

"It's no big deal, some people don't know how to react when around people that are different than them." She said as she pulled her hand from mine and closed her book.

"Still, I'm sorry," I said. I knew I didn't do anything particularly wrong but I still felt bad, she didn't deserve to be treated poorly because people are afraid that she's different from them.

She sighed. She pulled open her cane and stood up.

"Stop saying sorry, you have no reason to be. Now are we going to go get high or not?" She asked changing the subject.

I stood up, I placed my hand on her back to lead her but she pulled away from me.

"I'm not a glass doll remember?" She said. Of course, I remember, but is it so wrong for me to worry about her sometimes?

I didn't reply as we walked side by side towards my car. The only sounds between us being her cane tapping the ground.

When we reached my car I walked with her to the passenger side and opened the door for her. "Thanks." She mumbled as she got in the car and closed her cane.

Once she was in I closed the door and walked around the car to my side before getting in.

Once in I started the car and backed out the spot I was parked in. I began driving to Devon's house.

Sleeping with Sirens were playing softly on the radio.

I glanced over at Emma as I stopped at a red light, she was reading again.

"Where did you tell your dad you were going to be after school?" I asked wondering what she said she was doing when really she would be smoking pot for the first time.

She smirked at if something was funny to her. "I told my dad not to worry because I would be with you and Devon trying gateway drugs."

I chuckled before asking "no really, what did you say?" She smiled before saying "no, that's what I really said."

I parked the car in front of Devon's place. "And he was okay with that?" I asked with a laugh. "Well he didn't believe me, but now if he ever finds out I was serious he can't say I lied to him," Emma said with a shrug.

I got out of the car and as I walked around to the other side to help Emma I was surprised to see she had already gotten out of the car by her self.

She's not a glass doll. She doesn't always need my help moving around. She memorized her steps to places she goes so she can walk by herself. I reminded myself.

Wait, but she's never been to Devon's house. Or has she? Why would she come to his house?

I didn't say anything about it though as I followed behind Emma to the front door.

"How di-" I started to ask but was cut off by Emma simply answer of "I've been here enough time to know where the door is."

When did she come to Devon's place? Why did she? Why is it that they seem to know it each other but I've been friends with Devon for years and he never mentioned her?

What was he trying to keep from me?

These questions swirled around in my mind but I didn't dare to ask them, for fear I wouldn't like the answer.

I took her free hand in mine before opening the front door and walking in.

We've been friends so long that there was no point knocking.

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