"I'll Kill Them Again," (Fierrochase One-Shot)

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woahh okay, so I had to summon all the salt in my body to write in Magnus's first person POV—so be careful children and enjoyyy this short lil thing (thank you LeetheKale for the idea!)

First of all, I'd like to make a PSA to all you living kids out there: do not skip dinner, claiming you're 'not hungry' and do not chug all the caffeine you can to make up for it. It will not make you stay awake the whole night, instead, it'll leave you a little present—nausea and throw-up. Wow! How nice of that caffeine. Basically, my point is that you shouldn't miss out on dinner, and most of your sleep to marathon Stranger Things.

After upchucking most of my breakfast and lunch from yesterday, I decided to take a stroll around the hotel, since chances of being beheaded are low when you're in pajamas. But, if you're wearing some especially annoying Pokémon merchandise—well, let's just say I can't do much, except wish you a speedy recovery.

Annoying merchandise aside, the halls were relatively empty, and the smell of some cheap Febreeze lingered in the air. Who knew that a gods-know-how-many floor hotel can't afford a decent freshener to get rid of the stench of death and gore? Undercover Boss wouldn't be too happy, I would think. Keeping my pace, I ambled down the hallways, trying to ignore the bile rising in my throat. Damn you, Valhallabucks.

A sound between a choke and a sob erupted somewhere down my path, sending a rush of adrenaline through my spine. I prayed to the gods that some newbie wasn't getting a nice, friendly, welcome death. Breaking news, and I speak from experience, the death is not nice, friendly, or welcoming—contrary to popular belief. I took a deep breath and closed my eyes, trying to locate the source of the sound.

I passed Mallory's door; all silent. Halfborn's room was relatively quiet, if you ignored the loud snoring (I was seriously considering gifting the guy some Breathe Right strips for Christmas). My cold, bare feet pressed against the wooden boards, and I regretted not wearing my sneakers. Goosebumps found their way onto my skin as the frustrated cries grew louder. The voice was raw and hoarse from crying, yet I couldn't pinpoint whom it was—even though there were two possible people I had in mind.

Silently as I could manage (which wasn't much), I pressed my head against T.J.'s door. Some shuffling, yet nothing I couldn't label as mild insomnia. Oh gods, Blitzen was right, I was becoming Doctor Chase. I shivered at the thought, then continued to the last room on our hallway, feeling much more anxious than expected. I knew it was Alex now, for sure, but my mind felt like it was running in five different directions. Why was I trying to barge into my hallmates personal problems? I didn't have any business to peek in Alex's stuff, and Alex makes sure of that on a daily basis. So, why was I checking on Alex? I disregarded my questions and rested my head on Alex's door, feeling awkward as I sat there, taking in Alex's sobs. I couldn't do this anymore, I thought, as I brought myself to tap against the door.

Although the knock was quiet, Alex became silent immediately. I regretted knocking instantly, wishing that I had continued my viewing of Stranger Things. In my dazed state, I had not only forgotten to wear my shoes, but I had completely dismissed Alex's foul mood from yesterday. Alex had been avoiding us all day, and she had seemed like she wanted to sink into her shoes and disappear.

I had approached her, trying to reduce the Grand Canyon of awkwardness to a smaller chasm. Instead of greeting me with a welcoming, "Screw off, Chase," she had stared at me, and stated, "She/her, today," and promptly walked away. I had felt guilty, feeling like I had did something to offend her. T.J. had tried to cheer her up, or at least tried to engage her in an actual conversation. Instead of taking note of the painstakingly bright, warm smile T.J. threw her way, she scowled at him and continued walking towards her room. I figured nothing would cheer her up if T.J.'s genuine smile couldn't, so I left her alone, and she had seemed fine with that.

Now as the door creaked open, and Alex examined me, I felt guilt wash over me. I kept my distance and studied my bare feet, suddenly self-conscious of how underdressed I looked. I was wearing a ratty oversized t-shirt with some cheesy math pun on it (don't judge, I beg you), and uncomfortably small soccer shorts (I refuse to call them booty shorts–I'm looking at you Blitz).

"What do you want?" Instead of Alex's usual snarky tone, the voice was exasperated and vulnerable. Alex was male, I confirmed as I noticed his slightly broader shoulders and longer hair tied back in ponytail. Could I call it that? Most of the shorter strands had found their way towards the nape of his neck. Alex squinted his eyes and sniffed, looking defeated.

"Magnus, if you walked all the way over here to stare at me; kindly get your lovely, little ass out of my sight," Alex rolled his eyes, about to shut the door.

My face heated up as I shoved my hand in the doorway, blocking the door from shutting. Alex raised an eyebrow, looking mildly amused under his weary, gloomy countenance. "You're male now, right?"

Alex let out the ghost of a smile, "You always get it right, Chase." Alex tilted the door the slightest bit, allowing me through towards his room.

"Look," I said as I entered Alex's room, "I'm sorry," I tried to muster as much sincerity into my words. Alex stared at me, then started to snort.

"For what? Showing up on my doorstep wearing that crap?" Alex pointed at my shirt, "Your apology is accepted, Maggie,"

I tried not to give up at this apology thing, and head straight back to my room and collapse on the bed. "No, I'm sorry for whatever I did yesterday that made you angry. Look, Alex, I didn't mean whatever I said—I'm not sure what I said, but I'm sorry, I guess. And if—" I paused, then looked at Alex's bemused face, "What?"

"First of all, you're rambling. Second of all, you dork. Third of all, you have none of that was your fault—a couple of guys on the upper floors misgendered me on purpose and—" He shook his head, dismissing the thought. "Never mind, it doesn't matter,"

Alex seemed to relax as their body lay on the bed, "Dysphoria just took over. That's it," Alex sank into the mattress with closed eyes. "She/her now."

"I noticed," I said with a small smile. I sat next to her, our hands barely brushing. "Are you feeling better now?"

Alex looked up at me with gleaming eyes, "Better," She paused, "Thank you, for not misgendering me. It helps," Alex closed her eyes, not expecting a response.

We sat in silence on the bed for a while, before I piped up, "So, who were those guys again?"

Alex snorted, "Why, are you going to beat them up or something?"

"Possibly," I smirked.

"In your dreams, Magpunzel. I already killed them."

I laughed, "I'll kill them again," 

I guess this is kinda an apology for all the angst up in the last chappie?? soo,, that's probably the last oneshot I'll do for a while, since I have to remember that this book is an ask book— but yeah, thank you guys so much! We're almost at 20k and holy shoot I'm freaking out?? ahh, just thank you! <33

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