Dangerous Amounts of Cuteness, Jealous Blitz, and 'Privacy'

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Double question chappie, woo! Enjoy!

Question from Jack: So, Hearth-y, any thoughts on Inge? (for Hearth) [senchai134]

Hearth: Inge? She was my only friend for sometime.

Hearth: Sometimes, Inge would even give her coins she earned to me to help fill the rug.

Blitz: /tried to look casual/ Uh, so, were you two ever /waggles fingers around/ more than friends?

Hearth: /tilts head and looks baffled/ No. What do you mean?

Hearth: /realizes what Blitz is trying to say, and smirks slightly/ Are you jealous?

Blitz: /indignant and slightly flushed/ No! Of course not. I mean, I would understand if you liked her more. She's pretty and, and you've known her longer. That's all fine with me.

Hearth: /let's out a sound that resembles a laugh/ Blitzen. She's like a sister to me, even if she doesn't seem to have the same feelings. /taps Blitzen's nose lightly/

Hearth: You are my boyfriend. And I love you, no matter what. So much.

Blitzen: /flushes scarlet/ I love you too, buddy. A lot.

Hearth: /smiles and leans in for a kiss/

*a Monopoly piece whacks both of them near the lips*

Alex: Stop being all lovey-dovey over there! I'll never win if I'm too busy gagging at you two.

Magnus: /stifles a laugh/ Yeah, quit it you two.

TJ: /looks astonished/ You never told me they're dating.

Alex: /shoves TJ/ You never noticed? I've been with them less than five times and I've seen plenty that shows that they're past the flirting stage.

TJ: /looks at Magnus/ You've had to deal with that amount of cuteness for two years?

Magnus: And counting. /grins and Blitzen and Hearth/

Michelle asks: *Whispers in a quiet voice* Magnus, would you rather date Alex or TJ? ((Did I actually just ask that? I guess so)) [therandomdemigod]

Magnus: /flushes a deep scarlet/ You guys seem very interested in my personal life. Ever heard of privacy?

Samirah: I'm pretty sure that word lost meaning when we started this ask book.

Magnus: True.

Samirah: Well?

Magnus: Well, what?

Samirah: /scowls and rolls eyes/ The question, you idiot. Answer it. Do it for Michelle.

Magnus: Gah, fine. As you guys know, I dated TJ for some time, and then we broke up—but to be honest, we're still pretty tight. /stops and starts giggling quietly/

Samirah: /looks at Magnus cautiously/ Did a fairy invade your soul? Magnus, I'm offended, you never told me you actually had a soul.

Magnus: /starts laughing even louder/

Samirah: Okay, now I'm concerned. No sarcastic retorts? No rolling of the eyes? Who are you, and what have you done with Magnus Chase?

Magnus: /wipes eyes and smiles/ Sorry, sorry. I was just thinking about how much I sound like some reality show actor. Relationships and all that.

Samirah: Okay; you're smiling and apologizing. I'm still concerned, but I'm going to let it go. Also, Magnus, you're acting like having feelings is bad. Being in happy relationships isn't a thing to be negative about.

Magnus: Yeah, I guess. /clears throat and speaks hurriedly/ Uh, probably Alex. Since I dated TJ and he came out as an aromantic asexual and all.

Samirah: /grins/ I knew it. I'm surprised you and her haven't started dating and all, to be honest. It's fine if you take the slow route, though.

Magnus: /raises eyebrow/ Okay, now I'm concerned. What happened to 'Kiss-Your-Crush-Already' Sam?

Samirah: /shrugs/ I'm being nice this time, don't complain.

Magnus: I wasn't planning on it.

/finger guns/ Oi, oi, oi, thank you guys who asked the questions—and thank you readers, old or new, for reading! gahhh I love you all beyond words for your support <33 ((I literally want to print out your comments so I can look at them and smile and be happy and schist))

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