No Mentioning Mom, Magnus is Queasy, and Blitzstone Gets Some Love.

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Question from Skey_fak_mai_laif : Hearth; if you and Blitz had to meet your family because of a quest, would you be afraid of him prefering one of your siblings over you?

Hearth: *frowns at the questions and tilts head up* My blood sibling is dead, so I'm sure he won't prefer him over me—unless I'm really that bad of a friend.

Blitz: C'mon, buddy! Don't tell yourself that, you're one of my closest friends.

Magnus: I thought you guys were dating, or in a relationship or something—unless I missed an intense soap opera like break up session.

Blitz: Kid. Who said partners can't be friends too. It's like saying your mom's not your friend, just because she already has the title 'mom'.

Magnus: First of all, please don't mention my mom. Second, that's true, I guess.

Hearth: *ignores Blitzen and Magnus and continues to sign* If he met one of my relatives...I would guess he would not dump me for one of them. But if he does, I will not criticize his choice. Besides, hopefully meeting my family will never happen since I have traveled to Asgard.

Blitz: Hearthstone...I would never throw you away like an object. I love you, and you should know that.

Magnus: Oh gods. This is depressing, barf-y, and cute at the same time, Hearth is this the work of your new magic or what?

Hearth: *rolls eyes and smiles slightly*

Thanks for the question Skey_fak_mai_laif

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