Using Protection, Jefferchase, and Magnus Hates His Empty Cup Family.

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Question from HappyFangirl4913 : To all: Do you ship TJ and Magnus?

Samirah: Finally. An opportunity for revenge against Magnus for always teasing me about Amir.

Magnus: *groans* Please don't, Sam.

Blitzen: Magnus? You're dating that Civil War boy? Way to go, kid, I didn't know you already were in a relationship.

Magnus: *mutters under breath* I am not dati—

Hearth: *hold one hand out to signal Magnus to stop then starts to sign* Magnus, being in a relationship can be hard sometimes, if he ever hurts you, make sure to tell Blitz and me. Also if you both are ever 'ready' than always make sure to use protection.

Magnus: Oh gods, no, Hearth—kill me now. Hel, take me, because..oh my gods, you guys. *pinches the bridge of his nose in exasperation*

Hearth: *smirks*

Samirah: You said that on purpose, didn't you?

Hearth: *shrugs then signs* Maybe.

Samirah: You know Hearth, we should get together and embarrass Magnus more often.

Magnus: I hate you all.

Samirah: It's not our fault that you have a crush on him.

Magnus: *grits teeth and blushes slightly* I don't have a crush on TJ, for the millionth time.

Samirah: Your tomato red face says differently. Face it Magnus, you're like an open book, anyone can easily read your emotions. Plus, a little birdy by the name of Mallory told me that you and TJ have been glued by the hip now days, hmm?

Magnus: It's not my fault that he invites me to play video games on his extra large TV. I was homeless before, if you didn't remember, so this stuff is kind of a luxury to me.

Samirah: Oh, so you don't enjoy spending time with TJ? I think he's in his room. I can get him if you want, and tell him to cancel any future dates—I mean 'gaming sessions' you have planned with h—

Magnus: No! I mean, no. Don't you dare, Sam.

Samirah: Misson 'Embarrassing Magnus about His Crush', accomplished. Anyways, do you guys think they'd be good together? I think they'd be cute together.

Hearth: I guess, I still think he's too young to be in a relationship yet.

Magnus: And you always ask why you're the mom, Hearth.

Blitzen: They'd be an okay couple. I mean not as great as Hearth and me, but average, I guess. Just don't forget what Hearth said about protecti—

Magnus: Please someone shoot me now. Anyone.

Samirah: This is the first time I've seen you excited for Valhalla's daily death battles.

TJ: Hey guys, have you seen Magnus? Oh, are you doing another question thing? Can I see the quest—ouch!

Magnus: *shoves TJ out of the room and into the hall* Nope, no question, just watching funny cat videos. I'll be there in a sec'. *slams door behind him*

Samirah: Wow, Magnus, real smooth.

Magnus: F-off Sam.

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