"The Swagassiest Dynamic Duo Around,"

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Question from daughterofapllo5678 Have you met Leo Valdez and if so, do you like him?

Magnus: Well, actually, funny story. We've actually met before, and in addition to that, we were best friends.

You know what? I'll start from the beginning, even if there isn't much to say.
We attended the same school in, uh, around second grade, I think. My mom and I were doing some traveling then, so I was dragged down to a pretty crappy school in Texas. I remember being teased for reading in class most of the time, and not really paying attention to anything the teacher was saying.

I know what you're thinking, Magnus, you get in trouble for reading out of all things, wow, you must be the hugest nerd ever. And I can't deny that, because I was pretty huge dork around elementary school. Must've been Annabeth's nerdiness rubbing on to me or something. (If you're reading this Annabeth, uh, I'm joking. I swear.)

So I was in middle of this, I don't even know anymore, what was it? Graphic novel, random novel? Anyways, so this kid with a toothy grin and curly hair walked up to me. It went uphill from there, 'the swagassiest dynamic duo around' they called us. Okay, maybe not in that exact wording—but you all get what I mean.

Our friendship was short-lived. Only a few months later, I had to transfer to another school. After that, we met again in a foster home shortly after my house blew up and the wolves and—yeah. We caught up and discussed the shit got thrown down in thad hurricane of disaster called our lives. Again, we parted unexpectedly and lost touch again.

We met the third time when Annabeth introduced me to her friends. Leo and I actually spend a lot of time together, when I visit their camp. Overall, he's someone I really look up to, because of all he's been through. He's funny, pretty smart, and knows how to deal with awkward or depressing situations. That last ability is the most important, at least to me.

So, yeah, hope that answers your question.

Messy: Thanks for asking, daughterofapllo5678

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