Blue's the New, Gods, No, Please.

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A/N: Before we start off with the question, thank you, yes you! Thank you for reading, commenting, and voting and getting this book to 600 views! -Messy

Question from Banishver18 : Are you a bit annoyed that Percy talks about blue stuff all the time since its your least favourite colour?

Magnus: Well, I have nothing personally against blue, like it never insulted me like: Blue: Yo Beantown, DUUUDDDE. I hate 'cha guts. Magnus: Don't call me Beantown, like, ever.

Samirah: You're taking this so literally, it's actually amusing to see you scrambling around in your idiocy.

Magnus: Gods, Sam, why is it always that when we answer questions you turn so super-duper "happy" and totally not bitter? Did the audience offend you or something?

Samirah: *facepalm* You know what, I'm just going to slowly back away and let you answer your question.

Magnus: Anyways, again, I have nothing personal against blue. I just don't like the color that's all, I maybe even hate it. When Percy talks about it, we either A. Get into a heated argument about some stupid color (Percy says it's much more than 'a stupid color' but I highly doubt that.) or B. Percy just looks away and pouts, looking at Annabeth for support. So yes, I would consider myself annoyed in that situation. Pretty annoyed.

(Messy: Thanks for the question, Banishver18 )

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