Norse Kids, Almighty Apollo In A Green Polo, and Crappy Haikus.

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Adventures_girl_99 asks: What would happen if Apollo met Magnus (in his mortal form)? And right !!! The gang (Magnus, his new family, and shield siblings) have to endure his haikus.

Apollo: Why am I surrounded by teenagers, once again? And, why is this Internet-book not named 'Ask Apollo'? Oh wait...that book was published years ago. I must get a calendar so I can keep track of my fans' gifts for me.

Magnus: This is...

Samirah: ...Apollo? The Greek sun god?

Blitzen: Tch, green polo shirts went out of fashion long ago. You would think gods would have better fashion sense?

Hearth: *confused look* This can't be him. I can't sense any residual magic from him, only a lingering curse.

Apollo: You Norse kids have a lot of questions don't you? Well, first is first, I am a god. My dad is just having a temper tantrum and made me a mortal because of something I entirely did not do.

*thunder in the distance*

Apollo: *squeaks* Fine, fine, I'm sorry father!

Magnus: You're father controls thunder...Zeus? Like the Zeus.

Apollo: *looks mildly offended* Yes, Zeus. I prefer to be called the almighty Apollo as well, but Apollo is just fine. Anything other than Lester Papadopoulous. *shudders*

Samirah: Uh, should we bow or kneel or something?

Apollo: *smiles wistfully* No need, dear. I don't need a reminder that I have no godly abilities at the moment. *looks at Magnus* You remind me of someone...

Magnus: *looks around than points at self* Me? *pauses for a minute* What happened, Jack? *pauses again* Fine, be like that. *sighs and unchains Jack from his necklace*

Jack: Apollo! My friend, how are you?

Apollo: *grimaces, then forces a smile* Jack...uh, hello. Why are you with the little one, instead of Frey?

Magnus: Hold up, why am I the little one? And you know my father?

Apollo: Ah, yes, your father was quite handsome. I met him centuries ago, he's a good man. I flirted with him a bit before I left.

Magnus: *deadpan* Are you really talking about flirting with Frey in front of Frey's son?

Apollo: *slaps thigh* That's why! You look just like him. And a little bit of this other demigod, I think her name is Annabeth?

Magnus: She's my cousin.

Apollo: Ah, I see. This makes for a good haiku...
Norse are eccentric,
Reunion time with Frey's sword,
So many blonde kids.

Everyone: *cringe*

Apollo: *grins* How was it? I think it's the best one I made in ages. By ages, I mean a day.

Samirah: *scratches back of head*

Samirah: ...It was...great.

Hearth: Good job?

Blitzen: Terrifyingly amazing, yeah sure, that's what it was.

Magnus: ...

Magnus: ...

Magnus: ...It was crap.

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