Jacktide, The Perils of Calculus Homework, and Consistent Trainwrecks.

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Question from Dawnscerperi : Do you ship Jack (Sumarbrander) and Riptide (Anaklumos)?

Magnus: Do all people ship inanimate objects, if so, I must be pretty behind on stuff.

Magnus: Anyways, who's Riptide? Some other sword that Jack dated, I guess. (Because that's not weird at all.)

Jack: 'Ey, don't judge kid. As far as I know, I'm pretty sure that I don't know any Riptide.

Annabeth: It's Percy's sword, and I'm very sure it doesn't talk.

Magnus: I literally have no idea.

Magnus: Unlike some people, cough Sam cough, I don't go around interfering with other people's love lives.

Annabeth: Speaking of the 'some' people you oh so discreetly mentioned, where is she?

Magnus: No idea. Probably reaping a soul or doing calculus homework.

Annabeth: Sounds fun.

Magnus: I know, right? Talk about torture.

Annabeth: The dangerous perils that come with reaping a soul?

Magnus: Huh? No, I was talking about the calculus homework.

Annabeth: I figured as much.


*sigh* Oh well. I tried. There's so much I can do to make sure they don't get off track or whatnot. Also, I've been somewhat consistently updating- although that'll probably stop because my school starts next week.

(Oh joy.)

Also, I just want to thank you guys for leaving amazing comments and votes! Thank you for reading my trainwreck!

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