My Ghetto Life Chapter 23

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Hey fans, I hope you guys are enjoying this book and good news this book won't be ending soon, I realized my page numbers are really low and it would be mean to end it abruptly so this book will be going on :)

Let me stop babbling and start since I know you guys are very anxious to see what goes on in the life of my beautiful characters



I was kind of pissed that Kayla was bothering Travis on what was supposed to be a care free 2 weeks for a loving couple but then again she probably didn't even know. The old Krissi wouldn't have cared and would have been a real big bitch towards her & do something really fucked up but I changed for the better. I have kids on the way and on the road to being married, I didnt have time for the little kid games! Not anymore, not ever.

So instead I tried to wake him up. Travis, wake up, TRAVIS! TRAVIS! Ugh Travis slept like a dead person sometimes. Hmm, I know exactly how to wake him up. We were still naked so I went under the sheets and went down to my favorite person, I grabbed his dick and gave it a few sucks, I felt him harden instantly, Travis always did have alot of sexual libio (I think that's the word LMFAO). I was still playing around a little bit with it when I felt him grab my head and push me down further onto his dick. I was shocked so I kind of gagged.

I guess that turned him on because he let out a moan but no matter how much I wanted to please my fiancé I fulfilled my purpose of waking him up. I let go of his dick and came face to face with him.

Why'd you stop?

I was trying to wake you up & it worked anyways Kayla texted you saying she's pregnant.

Krissi, why the fuck are you going through my phone? Don't you trust me?

His statement just pissed me off to the max, umm your phone went off and I know you get important messages so I just decided to read it and wake you up if it was something serious. I love how you feel that way though. I was just trying to help but instead I'm being nosey and don't trust you. Ugh!

I got up out of bed and went to the bathroom to clean myself up a little bit, I also needed to calm down because I can't believe Travis felt I didn't trust him, didn't he see I was changing? For the better? I washed my face and decided to go take a shower, I needed to clear my brain and what great way to do it than through warm water. I grabbed a towel off the shelf & went into the shower a.k.a. my therapist.

About 20 minutes passed when I felt Travis come in behind me and start kissing on my neck. It felt so good, I honestly was even mad at him before but of course I didn't say that.


I realized I hurt Krissi's feeling and pissed her off, I didn't mean to because I knew she was trying her hardest. She got out of the bed and left me it was so lonely without her next to me. I felt cold. I don't know why I over reacted. I just don't like the snooping thing.

This was supposed to be a break from our lives & I didn't want us to be upset at each other over the 2 weeks. So from now on I vowed my phone was going off and I had to apologize. As for the Kayla situation I would get back to her later, I wander how she managed to get pregnant so quickly, and why would she do something so stupid? Kaylas was grown though and could make her own decisions I cant even judge her. Anyways this was me and Krissi's time and I could careless about Kayla especially because my future wife was upset with me over something stupid!

I didn't want that so I called the receptionist downstairs and asked him to send up their best breakfast entrees. It came upstairs in about 10 minutes. I laid them out nicely on the table and covered it just incase & decided to join her in her shower and beg her to forgive me.

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