Chapter Fourty - The Library Life

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The library Life.

Quiet. That's usually the first word that pops into your mind when you think of libraries. And this library was no exception. It was quiet. But that didn't mean that there was nothing wrong with the first thing I saw when I stalked in with my heavy bag filled with textbooks. Oh no.

Read on to find out what.

-Eva xox


"Calm down, May. It can't be too bad."

"But it is," she winced. "It's Mitch."

I gulped.

"You like Mitch?" I questioned, resisting the urge to throw up.

May nodded slowly.

"But Mitch likes Matt's sister."

"Yeah, I never said I was going to do anything about it. I just needed to tell you, and get it off my chest."

"May, it's fine. It's just a stupid crush," I cracked a smile at how serious she was being about it. "But why are you telling me now?"

"Because he's here," she hushed, looking over her shoulder. "I saw him pull up in his car further back and then I came straight here."

"Mitch is here?!" I shrieked. May quickly out a hand over my mouth.

"Yes, keep it down."

"Hesgoingtokillme," I said, but it came out muffled under May's hand. She quickly moved it.

"What?" She asked.

"He's going to kill me!"

"Who's going to kill you?" Matt demanded, storming over. I wouldn't be surprised if he was eavesdropping the whole time. "I won't let anyone hurt you-"

"Mitch is here, and he's going to beat you up, so drop the tough guy act!" May cut off.

"Where?!" Kat screamed, looking like he was about to wet himself.

If I wasn't worried about being caught in a forest with two boys my brother had warned me about, then I might of found this situation funny.

"Behind you!" Maddy yelled pointing behind Kat, and he literally sprinted in the opposite direction. Matt copied and ran after him. Maddy went into a giggle fit and soon we were all laughing too.

"Why are we even laughing?" Jazz questioned, in between laughing.

"Because Eva's brother wasn't even there and they ran anyway," Maddy explained.

"Who ran away?" Mitch boomed from behind us. We all immediately stopped laughing, and began panicking.

We were all quiet until Christie spoke up.

"There was a possum that ran away."

I mentally thanked Christie.

"Yeah, a really big possum, and we scared it away," Skye added.

"Oh," he frowned. "Were you guys having a picnic or something?"

"Yeah," I nodded. "We'd ask you to join, but I don't think you're a fan of sardine sandwiches."

"What did you have a cat here with you or something?" He snorted.

"Pfft, of course we didn't-"

"Don't lie, Eva. You did have a Kat here with you," Sinner called as he walked over to


I shot him daggers as Mitch's face fell.

"What the hell is he doing here?" He demanded.

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