Chapter Twenty Five- The Kit-Kat life

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The kit-Kat life

"Eva, catch. I bought you a Kit-Kat." Sounded Matt's annoying voice as his black messy hair and weird lopsided, goofy grin face popped through the hospital room door. God Matt this isn't the time to be talking chocolates while the devil himself who attacked us is standing right here proudly smirking, his muscley arms pinning me to the wall with his master plan in tact. I catch the Kit-Kat and give Matt a fake smile. You stick of chocolate goodness will just have to wait till this madness is over.

I think that's enough to explain that my life is definetly Kit-Kat involved.


"Hello, babe," greeted Joel.

"Yyyou," I muttered under my breath.

"Glad to see you too," he smirked edging closer.

"Now get ready for the best make out session ever," he continued with his signature smirk whilst pinning me to the wall with his heavy muscley arms hovering over my shoulders.

"Leave me alone," I said firmly rasing my voice.

"This isn't the Eva I know," he shook his head.

"I'm going to repeat this one more time Joel. One more time. Now leave me alone!"

"I know you want me baby. You loved my rose and you l..."

"Shut up you stalker," I yelled. "Just leave me alone and go make out with Cristie." I said, attempting to push Joel off of me.

You see I'm not the sort of girl who gets all terrified and freaked out and all cry baby. I will rise to the occasion and try to save myself, even if all this shouting and being a smart arsse to Joel is going to land me in trouble well at least I tried. Even when it comes to freaky noises at night, I'll go get the kitchen knifes. Bring it on Criminal!

But the thing I'm afraid of here is losing my first kiss to this arrogant, creepy, sick and somewhat good looking guy. When I want to have my first kiss, I want it to be special with someone I love, not for it to be forced upon me by total creeper.

I think trying to push Joel off of me is going to be of no use at all, I mean this guy probleby works out at the gym everyday like Mitch with that weight packed up in an eight pack probleby?

"Bad move Eva," he said tightening his grip around my wrists. "I go to the gym everyday with your brother. It's gonna take a lot more effort to move me."

Ugh, just great! He does workout training with Mitch.

"No more wasting time. Lets start," he said moving in closer to slowly close up the gap between us. He grabbed a fistful of my hair inbetween his fingers and roughly massaged it. "Let go of me," I struggled.

He continued playing with my hair, completely ignoring me and my request for freedom. My head whirled around, as I thought for a plan.

All I needed was for a nurse or someone to come in and imedidetly demand us to pull apart.

"Eva, catch. I bought you a Kit-Kat." Sounded Matt's annoying voice as his black messy hair and weird lopsided, goofy grin face popped through the hospital room door. God Matt this isn't the time to be talking chocolates while the devil himself who attacked us is standing right here proudly smirking, his muscley arms pinning me to the wall with his master plan in tact. I catch the Kit-Kat and give Matt a fake smile. You stick of chocolate goodness will just have to wait till this madness is over.

"Psst, Matt." I whispered to the devil.

This is exactly what I wanted. Someone to walk in and save the day. Surely Matt is smart enough to realise that I'm being forced here. Yes! He will realise and once again this half loser half hero boy will attempt to save my day.

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