Chapter Thirty Seven- The millionaire life

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The Millionaire Life

Being a millionaire is cool, right? But what if it's a person you hate or it's fake. Then scratch the cool part. It's okay I don't need to be a millionaire. Happiness isn't bought with money, it's bought with family, friendship and love.

And even though I might sound like a philosopher, I actually don't believe in all of that rubbish.

I want to be a millionaire and MATT WEST can't and never will be one.

That's the philosophy I believe in.

Eva xox

"MATHEW WEST," I bellowed at Matt in anger once I was roughly pushed to the floor and the blindfold and duct tape was ripped off my mouth quickly.

Man, that hurt.

"Look at the bright side, I saved you from waxing," shrugged Matt who was now in a black tudexo, red and blue stripped tie, boat shoes and a gold Rolex watch.

Since when was Matt this rich?

"Yes she's here there now you can come now Joel, while you're there get Richi to make me a coffee. The usual short white infused with caramel," he blabbed on through a microphone to Joel.

"Who the f*ck is 'Rishi'?" I growl, once he ends the call.

"My assistance, in other words slave," he pulls out a blackberry and starts typing.

"You have a Samsung not a Blackberry,"

"Yes, I do Mrs Observant," he continues typing on his phone and then lifts it up to his ear.

"Rishi you lazy man, why isn't my coffee here yet? I can fire you and get somebody else ten times better than you," he shouts. "No she's not here as a guest. Just bring her bottled water, poor girl must be thirsty since she hasn't stopped talking," he turned to me.

"Get lost, fifteen year old boy who's secretly a millionaire," I mutter.

"Scratch the poor bit then."he returns to his phone.

"Eva, my sweet Eva," walked in Joel with a black leather jacket, red polo and beige chino pants. "You're finally here," he embraced me in a hug.

Ugh great. Joel just the person I want to see. And Matt turning evil. Man I should follow my instincts. I always thought he was evil, I mean where'd he come up with those genius pranks?

I bet they were funded by the 'West international fund,' or something ridiculous and fancy like that.

"Loser," I whispered quite enough for him to not hear.

Shoving his hands into the pockets of his pants he produced a key and grabbing my hands , he unlocked the handcuffs.

"Finally you guys realized how uncomfortable I was with those cuffs. I tell you Joel, those eatable ones were much better."

I frown when I realize that he only undid the cuffs so that he could cuff me to the bed in the room.

"Sorry, sorry Matt, er sir sorry," said another kid who only looked a little older than us as he struggled to bring a tray of two coffees and bottled water.

Okay, a kid personal assistant, now that's a little fishy.

CLANK, sounded all the cups as they smashed onto the floor. "Rishi you idiot," Matt shouted at the boy who began to laugh, snort and chuckle his heart out.

Basically he seemed like another version off Matt minus the meanness, teasing,pranking, bullying,liking, kidnapping and handcuffing.

Wow, now that's a long list.

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