Chapter Thirty Five- The abusive life

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The abusive life

Abusing people and sort of being abused? You're on a role Eva! But anyways that's life when your Evangeline Richards.

Trouble never leaves your side.

Eva xox

"WHACK." Sounded the extremely powerful slap I gave Matt across for face.

"Owww, what was that for Eva?" he whined in pain.

Okay maybe that was a bit too hard but then again he did try to kiss me full on the lips while we were hiding from a psychopath in a janitors closet.

I mean come on. What an idiot!

"That was for trying to kiss me," I said just as I heard Mrs Nester's familiar artistic filled voice in the corridor.

"But aww it still hurts..." I silence Matt with my hand.

"What was that?" Said Mrs Nester's voice.

"Hello," she said dragging out the 'e'. "Who's out there? I know someone's out there." She crazily called out.

"Come out this instant whoever you are," the yelling continued. "Or else I'll come chase after you with my paintbrush." She threatened.

"Ahaa," a little giggle escaped my lips.

What the bloody hell?

She's threatening us with a paintbrush!?!? Now I can really see how crazy the woman is.

"Oh my word! It's you my lovely artistic student." She cooed to someone in the corridor presumably.

"Ahaa Mrs Nester, how great to see you," said the voice of Joel, sarcastically.

"I know isn't it wonderful? No other student matches to you in the art field. Are you back forever now?"

"No, just a visit catching up with family and friends and all and my girlfriend."

"Oh how lovely. Who's your girlfriend? I bet she loves your lovely rose and animals and scenery canvas. Have you showed them to her yet? I bet she'd go over the moon finding out you won the national art academy scholarship for painting that lovely picture of a giraffe in a tutu." She rambled.

OMG this is beyond hilarious!

"Ahaa this is too funny,"whispered Matt.

"Yeah I know, who would've thought? A giraffe in a tutu." I whispered back.

"Yeah her name's Eva. I'm sure she's one of your students." Answered Joel.

"His girlfriend? What the fudge? Never in a billion years." Now would be the time to spit out all the water in my mouth if I was drinking anything.

"You've got to be kidding me. That useless, bony, black haired,un mannered, no ettiqute what so ever, silly, childish, un mature, barely educated girl who who h-h-ates me," she stumbled. "Is your girlfriend?"

Wow, she has a lot of hatred for me.

"Yup you got it right. That awesome girl is my girlfriend."

"Why does she hate me?" She asked in a panicked tone.

"Who said she hates you?"

"She did," and just like that she burst out crying.

Not being able to hold it in any longer, Matt and I burst out laughing like total idiots, so using Matt's hoddies to cover our faces, we burst open the door and ran for our life's.

"Oi you two, come back here now!" Shouted out Joel.

"Crab, crab, crab." I whisper as we run even faster when we noticed he was chasing after us.

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