Chapter Eight- The Dodging Life

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In the 15 years of my existence I think I've learned a thing or two about dodging bullets. And today, I dodged a huge one.


"Why'd you do that?" I asked as I caught my breath. Who knew almost dying took so much energy? On another note- why did I feel the urge to puke?

"How am I supposed to get my revenge on you if you're dead?" Matt said with a 'duh' expression in his face. Idiot.

"Whatever. I can't believe your still angry at the prank I pulled on you," I rushed over and got the ball, "you should of seen your face!" I called as I made my way back to the others.

"You wait!" I faintly heard Matt call.

I headed back to Ms Addison. I handed her the ball and noticed the girls were now split into two teams. Great! I could finally have a rest, I'm not trying to find an excuse my I feel really sick all of a sudden.

"Oh, it's such a shame that the teams have already been formed and are both equal. I guess I'll just have to be a sub and sit down on the benc-"

"Nice try! You're on Emm's team!" Ms Addison yelled.




"Just, lovely." I made my way to the group of girls by Emm, "Ms Addison, can I ask what were playing?"

"A nice old game of Dodge ball-"

"Don't you mean torture?" I quickly out a hand over my mouth. Did I say that out loud?

"You just earned yourself an extra lap, missy." I just love my life.


"I'm not even kidding, I'm on her team and she still manages to hit me with the ball." I complain to May on the bus ride home.

"Maybe it was an accident."

"12 times to the head May."

"Fine, just try to get on Ms Addison's good side." Reasoned May. Typical May, always trying to find the bright side of things.

"Have you seen Ms Addison? She has NO good side." I'm not even trying to be funny, the women was evil. If she hated you, the rest if your PE life was torture and if she liked you, you were a free butterfly. I obviously was getting tortured whereas Emm was a butterfly. If she was a butterfly I'd squish her like a bug, aha coz she is a bug. Ahahaha!

"Earth to Eva!" May called snapping me back to reality.

"Hmm yeah?" I answered trying to remember how a mouth worked.

"This is my stop. I'll see you tomorrow!" She called as she stood up.

"Bye!" I called as she made her way off the bus.

I quickly clutched my stomach, oh no. Not this feeling again.

'Don't you dare vomit on this bus. You'll never live down the embarrassment. Plus Tyler is here. He'll never let you forget it.' I threatened myself.

Phew the feeling disappeared but a hint of it was still there.


"Finally!" I shouted as I entered room. I let my bag drop to the floor with a loud *thud* as I always did.

I changed into my home gear and began to do the mountain of homework I had received just today.

Once I was finished I headed downstairs to get a snack.

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