Chapter Thirty Two - The Awkward Life

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This chapter is dedicated to Hanimes for her wonderful support and awesome comments!

The awkward life.

What could be more awkward than being stuck with a guy you just rejected at a museum? Well I honestly don't know, so just go on and try not to feel too sorry for me....actually right now I need the pity so just go on and read the awkward life.

-Eva xox


"OMG! He's so cute!" Jazz sighed dreamily, looking over to Aiden Scotch's direction.

"Oh, shut up, were eating here," Maddison reminded Jazz, pointing to her sandwich.

"But he is," Jazz frowned, taking a bite out of her biscuit, then all of a sudden her eyes widened, meaning she had just gotten an idea. "Do you think I should ask him out?"

The whole cafeteria was now filled with our eyes rolling and annoyed sighs.

"He's been here for only what? A day, and you already think he's your soulmate?" Skye snickered.

"Yeah, leave the poor guy alone," I chimed in. "You might scare him off, plus I thought you and Charlie had a thing."

Jazz just rolled her eyes. "He's so immature, all he cares about are cars and video games. Aiden is soo much better and hotter. I can't believe you guys can't see it!"

"Great, I've lost my appetite," Maddison declared, setting down her sandwich.

"Can't we talk about anything other than boys?" May questioned, pinching some fries off my plate

"No! Boys are hot!" Jazz cooed, looking over at me, with a mischievous look on her face. "Speaking of hot guys, how are you and Evan going?"

"Me and Evan?" I repeated, raising an eyebrow. "We're just friends."

"Oh please, everyone can see it. And by the looks of it, so can Em. I've never seen her so jealous before."

"Jealous? She's not jealous. There's nothing to be jealous about," I said, wishing this topic hadn't of been brought up.

"Yeah, I think Jazz is right," Skye added. "He likes you, and Em is jealous."

"He does not like me-"

"You guys should totally go out!" Jazz squealed, clapping her hands together.

"Who should totally go out?" A voice interrupted.

"No one!" I yelled, when I had realised it was Matt.

"Matt, don't you think Eva and Evan would be so cute together?" Jazz questioned- I should kill that girl.

Matt frowned, looking around awkwardly. "I guess?" He answered, but it came out as a question.

"And their names match! How sweet!" Jazz blabbed on. I decided to ignore her and continued eating my fries.

"Aren't you going to invite me to sit down?" Matt urged, motioning over to the space in between me and May.

"Uh, no. Go away."

"Wow, you're so rude," Matt gasped, sitting himself down even though I had just told him not to.

"Are you deaf-"

"Want to come over to my house after school?" He asked, cutting me off.

I froze for a few seconds, letting his words sink in. Matt wanted me to come over to his house?

"Why?" I questioned, sounding more shocked than I had wanted to sound.

"Just to hangout," he shrugged, "it's not like I'm going to pull a prank on you or anything."

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