Chapter Eighteen- The Baby Richards Life

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Do I have to say more? No, so we'll just leave it at that.



"Stop doing that!" I scolded Mitch. He's been tapping his foot on the laminate floor for half an hour now and I'm considering skinning him alive.

"What?" He spat back, looking irritated.

"Tapping your feet life your a freaking tap dancer!"

"Stop shouting weirdo, people are watching." I whipped my head around to see everyone in the hospital waiting room watching me.

"I'm not crazy!" I shouted at them.

"Yeah, sure you aren't." Snorted the one I call brother. When I get home some serious pranking is in order to set him straight. No one irritates me and gets away with it.

"Are you Mitch and a Evangeline Richards?" Asked a smiley nurse. We both nodded, "Come right this way." She said motioning for us to follow her.

She led us to a spacious ward and pulled back a curtain, revealing my mum in bed holding my new baby sister or brother and my dad standing next to her in awe of the new baby.

"Wow." Was all I managed to say as I took as step closer to mum and my new sibling.

"Let me hold it." Said Mitch as he scooped up the baby in his arms.

"WAAAAH!" Screamed the at first calm and happy baby.

"Give it back to me." Scolded mum as she leant forward to retrieve her baby.

"Is it a girl or boy?" I asked looking over at dad.

"It's a beautiful baby boy," he smiled back, "he's called Christopher."

Seems about right, I don't turn out to be a baby boy, so they give my back up name to newbie here.

"Do you want to hold him sweetie?" Mum smiled eagerly at me.

"Mum, you know all babies hate me- even more than Mitch." I wasn't kidding, I loved babies but they all hated my guts- maybe it was because I always steal their noses, or maybe because I like pinching their soft, cute, tiny cheeks. Hmmmm, I wonder why.

"This isn't just any baby, Eva. It's your baby brother, now hold him." Said my mum practically shoving the baby into my arms. If I didn't know better I'd think she was trying to get rid of it- him.

I just looked at it and it began to cry. What is with babies! Don't they know I'm the awesomest most amazing person they will ever come across in their whole existence? You do not cry in the presence of The Eva Richards-okay I have honestly no idea what I'm going on about.

Oh wait yeah the baby. It balked its little eyes out. "He's all yours," I said as I passed the baby back to my mum.

"You and Mitch are banned from holding this baby if all you do, is make it cry." Stated mum grumpily. What happened to the women who was glowing just a second ago at how happy she was to have another addition to the family? She's long gone.

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