Chapter Thirty Nine- The False Life

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The false life

Ah when things aren't real, are fake, basically false.

False apologies, false dates, false love all seemed to be mixing in with my life today, I bet your all like come on Eva have a normal life, well my life is normal bug it's just action packed with crazy and today- false stuff.

After all the scheming today I'm too lazy to write. So that's enough from me. Just sit back and relax and read waves of life.

The story of MY life.

Eva Xox

"I'm Matt West of tenth grade and I'm here to sincerely apologize to someone who's very special to my heart. I have wronged this person terribly even though I truly love her. I'm here to apologize to Eva Richards for spreading false rumors about her having STD and the latest that she made out with me and then left me for another boy. I admit that I was being stupid and just wanted her attention but did it in the wrong way. Everyone these rumors are false. I am sorry Eva. I repeat I am sorry Eva. Please forgive me."

A whole load of snickering, booing and minor clapping could be heard in the school hall as Matt's video image faded and the projector was rolled down.

I turned to see Matt's priceless looking face with his eyes popping out of its sockets and smirked, rubbing my hands together in a evil manner.

Matt Bloody West, you so deserved it.

My friends all high fived me since they knew I had planned it as people gave Matt a big slap on the back and called him all sorts of names and insincere congratulations.

"I swear that isn't me. It's false, it was staged." He argued.

"Man, that was you alright," said Sinner. "It's your bloody voice and face and no one else besides you wears spider man pajamas at the age of sixteen."

"It wasn't me. It was false." He continued groaning.

"Stop denying. Your just embarrassed. It's okay we all know you like EVA." He said putting an emphasis on my name.

"Aww," cooled lots of the boys at once.

"Besides you just said 'It was false,'" quoted Sinner and he continued,"and you said false on the video. It can't be any more obvious than that man."

"Eva, so do you forgive your lover boy," Sinner shouted out to me.

"In his dreams," I shout back, giving Matt the finger and receiving lots of ooohs from the guys in return.

"So", said May as we all started walking to class from the morning assembly. "Tell me what brilliant software did you use to make that wonderful 'false video?" She laughed.

"I bet it's not photoshop," said Maddy. "It's way too good to be photoshop. I mean the sound the pic and it was SO his voice."

"It's called Mitch," I chuckled. "Well, didn't I tell you that when Mitch saw Matt's picnic and all he was pissed. "


"Well I just happened to had the brilliant idea and some footage of him in the hospital in the spider man pajamas and since Mitch literally hates Matt at the moment I told him the plan and man, Mitch's helping his sister commit evil side really came out and he popped it on some cheap but awesome Chinese software. Then he used Matt's voice in the footage to say all the words we typed and put the backdrop as a picture of his bedroom instead of the hospital," I took a deep breath after all the explaining.

"Well I have to admit that was an awesome way to get even with him," said Jazz.

"Even with him?" I chuckled. "I haven't even got quarter with him yet."

Waves of Lifeजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें