Chapter Twenty Six - The Super Hero Life

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This chapter is dedicated to @PineapplePaprika, @xXx_Yaoi_Cloud_xXx and @Goofy_Toothed_Pixie. Thanks guys for your comments, they always push me to update quicker, so please keep it up! :D

Anyway here's the new chapter! Get reading! :)


I let out a grunt as my phone rang for what had to of been the billionth time today.

"What now?" I panted into the phone, as I slammed through the hospital entrance. I had run all the way here not stopping once. Stupid Matt had said it was an emergency and only I could help.

That idiot probably just got lost in his room or accidentally flushed his paper thin self down the toilet. I laughed at the last idea as I made my way to his ward.

"Hurry! I don't have much time!" He hissed loudly, making me hold my phone a little further away from my ear.

"Much time for what? Is it time for you to die?" I questioned, suddenly feeling a surge of happiness. Just the thought of Matt no longer existing could turn any horrible day of mine into a great one.

"Where are you? Come on, come on, hurry up, why is it taking you so-"

"Shut up, I'm just outside your room," I interjected, pushing the door open, "See!" I called, switching off my phone and scanning the room to see a supposedly helpless Matt.

"Thank goodness!" I heard his voice yell, but no sign of his actual self.

"Where are you?" I called, pulling apart the curtains, in the hope it would give me more light to see where that idiot had gone off to.

"Here, in the toilet!"

"I knew you had fallen in," I said, running over to the toilet, "I kn-" I stopped mid sentence because that's when a laughing fit had begun.

"I didn't fall in, and it's not funny," he grumbled, poking his tongue out at me.

"How is you with crutches and a foot jammed in the toilet not funny?" I laughed, sucking in and out a few deep breaths, trying to calm myself down.

Every time I tried to give him eye contact and not laugh at his pathetic explanations, my eyes would wonder down to his left foot. It was just lodged in there, and by the looks of it, he had peed in there.

"Did you wee on your foot?" I gasped, taking a couple of steps back and bringing my hand up to my nose. "Are you some deranged caveman? For goodness sakes dude there's a bucket right over there!"

He slowly craned his neck to see the other side of the toilet. "I didn't see it," he simply answered.

"Can you explain to me slowly and carefully why your foot is in a toilet full of your wee, which I might add, is very very yellow. Drink some water dude."

He rolled his eyes and looked at me irritatedly before explaining. "I was just swinging on these crutches and I sort of landed in the toilet."

I held back a snort and asked, " Why haven't you gotten anyone to help you out?"

"I have," he defended, crossing his arms.

"Then why are you still stuck in there?" I questioned, raising an eyebrow.

"Maybe because all they've done is laugh at me for the past couple of minutes!" He yelled, stamping his other foot and losing his balance for a couple of seconds.

"Okay, let me get a nurse the-"

"No!" He screamed, his voice all high pitched.

"And why not?" I demanded, furrowing my eyebrows together.

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