You are not everyone

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Camila's POV

"CCAAAMMMIIILLLLAAAAAAAA!!!" my cousin Ally sings while shaking my shoulders lightly to wake me up. "Ugh, can you just give me 5 more minutes!" I mumbled turning around, my back facing her. "No, you can't it's our first day of junior year. C'mon you don't want to be late." She explained. "I think you should know me by now." I groan "I don't care if I'm late." "Well too bad. Your mom told me that if you are not in time to go to school, they will cut off your allowance. You don't want that do you?" She threatened. My eyes widened, i don't know if I can survive if they will cut off my allowance. "Ugh. Fine I'll go take a shower meet you there downstairs and the breakfast better be ready!" She nodded and I started my daily routine. Shower. I also picked out my outfit. Like the usual a baggy band tee, leggings, and a black converse. I also curled my hair and my eye lashes put mascara on, eyeliner and red lipstick. I checked my reflection and stared into my brown eyes, I Smiled and winked. I grabbed my iPhone and made my way downstairs. As I walked in the kitchen I saw Ally and my best friend Dinah. "Whoa Cheechee your early today, I see" I said while sitting down on my seat. "Well my mom woke me up early. She said that she will go on another business trip and she told me that she can't make me breakfast and she talked to your parents and asked if I can live here for a while." She explained. "Oh an-"I was cut off when one of our cooks came in with our food. We thanked her and she smiled. We were stuffing our faces with food and all of the sudden the home phone rings. Since I'm closer to it I reached and answered for it. "Hello Cabello residence how may I help you?" I asked politely. "Oh that's a surprise you're up this early" my mom said. I sigh "Well I was told that my allowance will be cut off when I will be late to go to school starting from now on." I said. She laughed "Well you have to go to school on time dear." "Ugh. I don't understand why we even have to go to school. It's not really going to help in real life. I mean when are we going to use a Shakespeare language anyways?" I asked. "Well you have a point, but honey education is important and you have to go to school." She says "Well I called because your dad and I won't be home till Christmas but for we will be there for New Year, I think." "You think?" I asked slowly. She tried to explain but I turned off the phone. I slammed my fist on the counter a couple times and Ally touched my shoulders. "Mila." She whispered and turning me around and pulled me into a tight hug. So did Dinah. "It's ok Chancho even though we really don't know what happened." She said trying to lighten up the mood. Ally nudged her and Dinah raised her hand as if she's going to surrender. I giggled "My parents won't be here to till Christmas and they 'think' that they would be here for New Year." They hugged me once again, Ally was about to say something when Mary came in. "Sorry to interrupt but you guys will be late. I already prepared your bags and don't forget to eat lunch ok?" She said. We all thanked her and grabbed our bags. I kissed her cheek and said bye. "Mila heads up." She said and when I turned around she threw my car keys. "Oh geez I completely forgot about that. Thanks! Bye Mary" I said waving my hand. "Careful on the road." She replied. I love Mary, she's been there ever since I'm born she was there when my parents aren't I think she even know me better than my own parents. She was just like my mom. "C'mon Mila open the door." Ally whined. "Chill Allycat it will only take me one press on this button." I said as I pressed the button for my car doors to open. "I guess I am going to drive." I whispered to myself. We play some songs and sing along with it. We reached our school and I went to my own parking space. I parked and checked the time. "Wow guys we are here early than we are supposed to be. 30 minutes before the warning bell." I said. They both nodded and went to their own phones and Ally was just staring at her phone blankly, as if she's remembering something. I grabbed her hand and squeezed it lightly "I missed them too Allycat. Trust me I do. They are like my parents too because they are mostly home more than my parents." She sighed, blinking away the tears. "I just can't Mila they are my stone. They are there when I needed them the most and when I had my first heart break. I lost them too. My heart feels as if it was already broken and it broke again if that's even possible." We both giggled. Well you see Ally's parents died because of a plane crash, they are going for a business trip and well sadly their plane crashed that day Ally was a wrecked so was I but I stayed strong for her and for both of us. That time we both discovered what alcohol can do sometimes we bring Dinah along too. I was snapped back from my thought when I heard laughing I looked forward and five of the jocks are holding two bags passing it around when I saw two girls trying to get it from them. I sighed. Dinah and Ally looked at me and I pointed to the front. "Really? C'mon it's the first day." Dinah groaned. We walked out of my car. I was leading the way and I tapped one of the jocks shoulder he turned around and ofcourse it's the one and only Keaton. "Give it back" I said bluntly. "C'mon Camila it's the first day." He complained. "I said Give. It. Back." I said running out of patience. He smirked and says "Make me" He turned around and threw the bag. I pull him by his shirt making him face me I punched him on the jaw and he fell. He touched his jaw and looked down. He apologize to me as he was about to run off. I coughed and nod my head towards the two girls. The boys helped them pick up their things and apologized to them. I walked away and headed towards the main entrance before the girls will thank me as if I just saved their lives from getting hit by a train. As you can see here at school I am a 'badass,' impatient,' and one of the most 'popular' girl here in my school. You also can't put a label on me if I'm nice or mean because I really don't defend the nerds I just don't like seeing them getting bullied. When it comes to teasing I really don't care but when I see its getting too far I take action and bully the people who bully other people. Dinah and Ally catch up. "Who's the victim?" I asked. "Hamilton and Jauregui" Dinah replied. "No Lovato this time?" I asked. "Poor them they are like the ones who they bully the most" Ally said. I just shrugged we take our schedule. We don't have to look if we have something together because we asked our parents to talk to the teachers that we are having the same things on the same time. We headed to our lockers and on the way to our first class we found Cece, Arianna, Selena, and Jeanette talking. "Hey guys." I said waving my hand. "You look hot like always babe." Arianna said wrapping her arms around my neck as she was about to lean in I just gave her I quick peck on the lips "You too babe." I said and winked at her. I opened the door for them to go in. Jeanette was the last. "I thought you're working on it?" Jeanette asked bluntly. "I am can't you see before we usually have longer kisses. Don't worry Jeanette I'll break it off today." I said giving her a reassuring smile. "Make sure you don't like her anymore." She said. "I never did. I just need some distractions" I said. "You know you are such a jerk." She said. "Atleast I treat those girls I dated right." I said. She chuckled and shoved me playfully. We both entered and Arianna taps the seat next to her and I nudge Jeanette and pointed at the seat. Arianna frowns and had a questioning look and looked down as if her question was just answered. I looked for a seat well we mostly seated on the back but all the rows was taken by my friends but Dinah tapped the seat in front of her and I took it. Beside her was Ally and on the other side was Cece. I put my bag down. My bag contains what I needed, a pen and a notebook for doodling. I left my binders in my locker because it's just too much for me to carry. I nudged Dinah and nodded my head towards Cece "So..... Have you made a move yet?" Dinah glanced at her and she sighed. "I don't know Chancho she said she likes this 'badass' girl when I asked her who she liked, but I never tell her what I feel about her though." She said putting air quotes on the word badass. I just nodded and gave her the smile that says 'if you won't do anything I will' her eyes widened and said "You wouldn't dare" "Well I would set you guys up on a date or I would tell her what you feel about her." I winked at her and turned around before she could say anything. I put on my headphones and started doodling on my notebook. Someone sat beside me but I didn't bother looking up to see who it was. I was into the song I started singing it out loud when all of the sudden someone rip them off my head. I glared at who it was and I saw the one and only Mrs. Spears. "This is not music class Ms. Cabello; you can't do whatever you want here in my class." I rolled my eyes and said "Not my fault the song was interesting and your lectures aren't" and I snatched my headphones back and put in around my neck. Before she could say anything the bell rang. I stand up and not looking on my way I bumped into someone, lost my balance and I fell on the floor.

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