By The Light Of a Flame

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Shawn and I were the last ones left around the fire as the moon slowly crept up over the lake that night. "So what are you doing, when you leave Batchwana?" Shawn asked as we sat on the park-style bench together, cloaked in our sleeping bags. "Well, I'm back in Quebec for a while then I'm going to be in Seattle for a while just doing networking and all of that cool stuff.  What about you?"
"Back to Pickering then I'm in California for two weeks. I'll miss this place though, " he said gazing into the crackling fire. "I know. This is one of the only places where I'm just me you know? All the good, the bad, everything gets washed out in that lake."
"Wow you really love it out here don't you. "
"I feel like at home, I'm always keeping up my YouTube reputation and at school I have to try to fit in as much as possible. As weird as it sounds Superior...I feel like she's a part of me. I don't have to prove anything to her. Is that strange?"
"No it's' not, we all feel like that sometimes. I'm the same way when I play my music.  I feel like nothing can touch me."

Looking up at his chiseled features in the flickering bonfire light, my heart thumped against my chest loud enough that I was afraid to breath quietly or I swear he would have heard it's loud thuds. "I'm gonna miss you."
He sighed and wrapped his arm around me, causing my stomach to tie into a huge knot. "To be honest,  I haven't stopped thinking about you going back to Quebec since I saw that gorgeous face on the beach," he purred close to my ear, making his breath trail down my neck and give me horrible shivers.

   Before I turned my head I didn't realize how close Shawn and I's faces were to each other, but as I looked up, our noses practically touched. "I wanna kiss you so bad right now, but I can see your cousin amd Callie looking through your bedroom window,"  he laughed not breaking his still - hold with me. I shifted my eyes to our cabin where I saw the drapes pulled off to the side and two sets of eyes watching on. "Would it be bad if I did it anyways?" Shawn laughed, glancing down at my lips then back up to my eyes.  Everything about his usually well thought out demeanor had left his eyes and voice with a passionate soul taking it's place. I shook my head no and watched Shawn's eyes flicker closed before I did the same.

     In an instant I felt his soft and full lips enclose my bottom lip, clasping tenderly. His free hand then found my face, and a thumb stroked my cheek as the rest of his fingers got lost in my curls. Our lips moved in sync and I turned my head to deepen the kiss which made Shawn's lips curve in a smile between my own. We kept at this for what was probably about two minutes until we were both breathing to heavily to continue.  Detaching,  I bit my lip watching him smile at me. "Ya that definitely wasn't bad," I laughed pushing my hair back with a deep breath.  "No, it wasn't," he laughed.  "You dont have a boyfriend, do you?" Shawn asked looking genuinely scared for moments.
"You ask now?" I smiled, laughing at his wonderful prioritizing.
"Just making sure!"
"And do you have a girlfriend?"
"No, not yet," he replied beaming sending a million winding knots off in a frenzy in my stomach.
"It's getting late and I think their little peep show has come to an end,"  I partially laughing and partially scoffing, "I think I'm gonna go to bed."
"Alright wait for me while I out this." Shawn dowsed the fire and covered the pit up making sure it wouldn't start again over night.

We walked to the side door of  my cabin, Shawn's hand on my lower back as I stepped over the rocks around the back flower bed. "We're gonna go boating tomorrow,  you guys should come," Shawn offered.
"Sure, I'll let everyone know. So I'll see you then?"
"Yeah, around twelve," he said pulling me into his body for a hug. He held my lower back warmly with his chin rested on the top of my head. I loved the height difference between us, and how safe it made me feel to be in his arms. Pulling his head off with his arms still snaked around me, Shawn looked down at me, before leaning in, not breaking our eye contact for a second, until our lips met. Shawn's lips were small but very full and soft, and getting lost in his kisses was so easy. Pulling away, he left a light peck and my forehead then nose, making heat rise to my cheeks almost instantly. "Night Camile."
"Night Shawn."  We both turned and I headed inside as he set for his cabin across the lawn. That night I laid up in bed for what felt like forever, replaying that beautiful summer night.

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