Chapter 27

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I made this so it would be VERY long! (and yes, I'll edit it later) So I hope you guys enjoy it! Also, this idea is from my friend @Doctorwho909, go check out her stories! Also I need your alien submissions now! (information below in Author's note)


10 Votes and Some Submissions for the Contest for the next chapter!


Also, I decided update cause I only needed 1 more comment! (and I love y'all!) So take of your shoes and enjoy! (make sure to read below)!!!


Juliet's POV

I was now feeling very worried, "Juliet... Juliet?" a sudden voice rings out from far away, "Doctor?" I ask. My hand is suddenly grabbed as I tense up, "Oh Juliet, don't worry, it's me. I'm so happy to hear your voice." he sounds relieved, as if something wrong happen. Confused, "What do you mean?" I ask him, I hear him sigh, "You were not answering us, instead the angel was." Jack answers me, he sounds like he is behind me.

Trying to process everything, my head felt as if it was burning again. About to respond, a different voice comes out of my mouth, "The child is strong Doctor, give us her and we will leave you alone." an angelic voice says. "You leave her alone!" The Doctor's voice yells out as an angelic laugh escapes my lips, not my own, "This is all we ask. Give us the child of Gallifrey and we will leave in peace." the same voice says.

"Leave me alone!" A voice yells out, my own. Though my head continues to burn as I respond, "Child, child..." the voice says, but I stop it, "No, you don't understand. Leave me alone and this planet." I yell out in a confident voice, struggling with control.

That same angelic voice echoes through my lips, "Where do you suggest we go?" the voice asks. I am left quiet as I feel like I can no longer respond, "Doctor?" the angelic voice asks. The Doctor sigh as I feel him grip my hand in worry, "Juliet, are you still there?" he asks. Trying to respond, my head continues to burn as I struggle to find the words, though no words seem to erupt from my lips.

"Juliet, if you can hear me, squeeze my hand." The Doctor says as I feel someone pass me, "Juliet, please." Jack's familiar voice comes from the other ear. Struggling, I feel the Doctor's hand in my own as I move my hand in his as I struggle, but feel myself squeeze it.

In my head, I imagine the Doctor's big smile, "Juliet, fight it. Fight the angel." his voice rings out as my head burns yet again. "It burns!" I yell out, "Fight it Juliet, fight it!" Jack yells out in full encouragement as I try to fight the burning, 'Oh child, child, it is useless. You are powerless.' the voice says in my mind. Though I knew the voice belonged to an evil being, it sounds almost calming, making my goal even harder. It seems to be making me sleepy, "No!" I yell out, "This is my body. Leave me be! Leave this planet!" I yell out.

Almost suddenly, I feel like part of me flying away. "Juliet?" The Doctor's voice comes from my side as I feel myself slowly open my eyes. They flutter open as I look around, we were in a park as I turn to my right side where the Doctor sat and then turn to my left side where Jack sat. Both were staring out in shock as I look where they were looking to see nothing, "What are you guys looking at?" I ask them.

Shock still on their faces, they turn back to me, "Ju... Juliet?" the Doctor asks. A small smile forms on my face, "Yes." I tell him as a huge smile forms on both of their faces as they both hug me. "Wait!" The Doctor says as he looks into my eye, "The angel, it's... it's gone." he says in utter amazement and then looks to me, "How?" he asks me. The smile on my face expands, "I fought it." I tell him.

Amazement is clear in his and Jack's eyes as they both hug me again as they help me stand up. At first I wobble, but when I get my footing, and everything is well, I pull Doctor in a separate hug. He kisses my hair and as we pull away, he kisses my forehead, "It's so good to see you as you." he tells me with a smile as a small chuckle erupts from his and I's chest.

When it ceases, he turns to Jack, "Would you like to come travel with again Jack?" he asks him. A smile forms on his face, "Of course. Someone has to look over Jewels." Jack tells us. I smile at the new nickname as the Doctor smiles too and takes my hand in his as we all make our way to the TARDIS.

Stepping inside, I sigh in relief. It felt amazing to be home as I run up to console and spin around it, happiness floods through me as the TARDIS welcomes me back. It was truly amazing to her again and I felt as if it was the last time I would ever see her, yet here I was. Looking to the Doctor and Jack, they both have smiles, "Go get some sleep Juliet, you need it." Doctor tells me. I'm about to deny, but my sleepiness takes over me as I feel my eyes droop as a yawn comes out of my mouth as I simply nod, wave good night to both of them, and make my way to my bedroom. Collapsing on my bed, I find myself falling asleep instantly as the last thing I see is the stars on my ceiling.

I hoped that y'all liked it! If your reading this, then I see that you want to enter my contest! (well duh!) Here is the information:

P.S. NO Daleks! Not yet anyways








Any other Information I should know:


That is all and if you have ANY pictures for a reference, send a link with your submission! Also, if you have any ideas for what you want, make sure to tell me. Good luck and May the Odds be Ever in Your Favor! Love y'all VERY much!- WriterChick101

Juliet and the Doctor (Doctor Who Fanfic)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ