Chapter 18

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I tried to make this long, so I hope it's long enough for you guys. Only updating once I get 4 Votes!

Juliet's POV

I must have been in there for ages and then I heard the familiar noise I knew to be the TARDIS. "Hello Doctor." I heard one of the cybermen say, "Where are they, where's Rory, Amy, and Juliet?" he asks. I had honestly forgotten about Rory and Amy, I hadn't even seen them sence I was taken here.

"Do you want me to repeat myself? Where is Rory, Amy, and Juliet?!" the Doctor was getting angry, I had never heard him like this. I so badly wanted to bang at the door and tell him where I was, but I didn't want to pay the price if I did. That was when I heard, what I thought to be, more cybermen walk in. I then a cyberman walk over to the cellar and quickly sat back down. It opened the door, blinding me for a second, and brought me to the room where the Doctor was.

He looked hurt when he saw me. I felt horrible, this was all my faught, I wanted to come here. I looked around and saw at least thirty cybermen along with the Doctor and I thought I even saw Mel and May in the TARDIS. "You let her go, along with Rory and Amy!" he yelled at them. I felt the cyberman tighten the grip around my arm as I yelped. It hurt so much, I felt like I would pass out again.

The Doctor's POV

She looked hurt, I saw that cyberman grip her arm as she yelped in pain. "You give me her and the Ponds unharmed and I'll leave you in peace. If you don't, I'll be forced to destroy all of this." I tell them with all my confidence. I see Juliet look at me with a hurt expression on her face.

"Where are the Ponds?" I ask the cybermen. If cybermen could smile, they would at that point, "Bring them in." a cyberman tells another. I heard a whooshing noise and standing before me was Amy and Rory. They looked fine, to fine, once Amy saw me she ran over to give me a hug, nearly toppling me over. I looked over at them again, "And Juliet?" I asked. The cyberman that was holding her arm, let go of her and pushed her towards me, "Thank you." I tell them as Juliet gives me a big hug, "Thank you Doctor." she whispers in my ear. "What did you think I would do? Leave you?" I ask her a bit jokingly, but she must have taken it seriously cause she shivers a little bit.

I look over at the cybermen, "Consider this a warning." I tell them as Juliet goes in the TARDIS. That's is when I hear a shooting noise, I turn around to see Amy and Rory, stone dead.

Juliet's POV

As I walked in I rushed to give May and Mel a big hug, "So glad you guys are alright." I exclaim, just as I hear a shooting noise. I quickly run outside the TARDIS to see Rory and Amy on the floor dead. The Doctor is by their still bodies weeping, I feel horrible. I run up to the Doctor and comfort him. The Doctor slowly gets his sonic screwdriver and each of the cybermen explode to bits. I slowly help the Doctor stand up and lead him to the TARDIS.

I closed the door behind us as the Doctor sat down on the bench near the controls. Mel and May looked confused, but didn't dare to ask. I looked around the controls, the last time I had flown a TARDIS, I was at least six and that was with my dad. "Better give it a try." I thought to myself as I danced around the controls and pulled down the lever, sending us flying through the time vortex.

Author's Note:

SO SORRY it's not how it was in the show, but in order for me to do what I want to do with this story, I had to do it this way! It broke my hearts to write this chapter cause I LOVE the Ponds!!! I tried to make this chapter long, so I hope it is!!! So PLEASE tell me what you think of this chapter!

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