Chapter 10

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Juliet's POV

The Doctor, The Doctor. It came crashing down on me, before I knew it I was on the floor in pain. "Juliet? Juliet, can you hear me?" I heard a distance voice say. Before I knew it I had one of my weird visions.


I saw a little girl that looked like me, writing in a journal. Then a lady came out of a building, "Juliet, what are you doing?" she asked rudely as she took the journal. "I was writing down my dreams Mama." she answered, "Well I want you to go play with some your friends and not be around this journal all the time." with that, Mama took the journal and walked in the house.

I then saw the little me trying to talk to her so called brother, "You can't play with us Juliet, you wouldn't understand how to." he said as he pushed me aside. I started crying and fell to the ground, sobbing. Then one of my brothers friends came up to me and handed me a tissue, "Don't worry, he can be a jerk at times." he told me. "My name is Juliet, what's yours?" I asked. Sighing he looked around and whispered it in my ear.

From that day forth we came close friends, him and me. It was a splendid friendship, that was until my mother forced me home one day. "Juliet, these drawings, where did you see them?" she asked rudely. "I don't know Mama, I just have these dreams and I write them down." I said nervously. Mama sighed, "Honey, you're writing the future, you are dreaming and seeing the future." the little me was surprised and happy. "Although, this means when you turn sixteen you will join the High Council." she said sadly.

The Doctors POV

"Rory, Amy! Come here!!!" I yelled out at them. Rory and Amy rushed in and saw Juliet on the floor in pain. "What's wrong with her Doctor?" Amy asked, "I don't know." I told her as I took out my sonic screwdriver and scanned her, "Doctor, what are you doing?" Rory asked, "Scanning her, you have a better idea?" Rory backed up, " That's what I thought." I said.

I then heard screaming, turning around I saw it was Juliet, "Stop Doctor, stop it!" Amy yelled at me. I put the sonic screwdriver in my pocket, "Doctor, your future, beware the Daleks!" I heard a voice say, "Is that... it can't be, it's Juliet." I stuttered. "Doctor, do you know her?" Amy asked. "Yes, but that's not possible, I mean that would have meant that her mother brought her here before the war." I said looking down. "Doctor, who is she?" Amy asked, I looked up at Amy's eyes, "She was the girl who survived the Time War and who could tell the future and that means..." I started crying. "She is the last visionary..."

Authors Note (READ):

Wow! I already have 95 reads on this already! Thank you to everyone for this, it means a lot to me!!! Also I hope I surprised all you guys, for all you who are confused, The Doctor was the boy in the beginning she was having the vision about (I will continue the vision in the next chapter) and she can see the future and the council wanted her. So yeah, also please enter my contest, it would mean a lot to me!!! Hope you enjoyed,


I hope to post the next chapter today!!! :D

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