Chapter 19

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Juliet's POV

Once I landed her, I looked over at the Doctor. I felt horrible, like it was all my fault for their deaths. The Doctor slowly stood up and opened the door. I gave both Mel and May a big hug, "So, my parents, were they turned into one of those things?" Mel asks. I give her a sorry look, "Yes, sorry." I tell her. "I'll miss both of you guys a lot!!!" I tell them as I give them a huge bear hug each. The Doctor shook each of their hands, "It was nice to meet you." The Doctor says.

The Doctor and I wave our last goodbyes to Mel and May as the Doctor closes the door as they leave. I sigh, "I'm sorry Doctor." I tell him as he goes to the controls. I decide it's best if I go to my room. I slowly walk my way to my room, when I get in a close the door behind me and lay face down on my bed and cry myself to sleep and into a dreadful nightmare.

I'm standing in a room, then I see Amy and Rory walk in. I want to tell out at them, but I can't. A cyberman walks in and shoots them. I feel like screaming, but I can't, my voice was gone. The scene kept on repeating on and on until it finally changed. I saw me with the Doctor staring at a statue, 'Don't blink!' The Doctor says as I keep my eyes on it. 'Doctor, I can't keep this on any more.' I say as I wake up, breathing heavily and hearts beating faster.

I slowly got out of my bed, catching my breath. I went over to my suitcase, grabbed my journal, and went to my little desk. I drew my dream out, the statue. I was still breathing heavenly as I drew our its wings. The creature looked familiar, but I couldn't pin point where I had seen it before.

'I'll just ask the Doctor.' I thought to myself. I slowly opened my door and made my way silently to the control room. I kept on walking till I reached the control room, I was about to ask the Doctor, when I heard the Doctor talking to himself. He was rambiling about the Williams and how it was all his fault.

This just made me feel worse, I slowly walked in the control room to see he was also pacing. He didn't even notice me until I called out his name. He slowly looked up at me and smiled, "Hey Juliet, what are you doing up?" he asks. I sigh as I hide my journal behind my back, 'Better not mess with him.' I think to myself, "I was about to ask you the same thing." I tell him.

The Doctor sighs, "I can't sleep." he says. I'm sure it's a lie, but I .don't jump to conclusions. "I know what will make you feel better." I say with a smile as I push my journal beneath the controls. "And what's that?" The Doctor asks. I give him a smile as I walk over to the lever, "An adventure." I say as I pull the lever down.

Authors Note (READ):

Can you guys PLEASE tell me what you guys think of it!? I know I have at least 10 reads on the last chapter and only 1 person commented! So I will only update when I get 4 Votes and 5 Comments!!! Good luck!!

Juliet and the Doctor (Doctor Who Fanfic)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ